Session Details

Week 8, Session 23 — Wed May 1


  1. Insertion Sort
  2. Java ForkJoin Intro read, but no need to install anything

HW Due


  1. Sorting
  2. Algorithm analysis
  3. Another recursion example (Combination generation)
  4. Merge sort recap
  5. Intro. to function objects, Comparable
  6. Intro. to Fork-Join


  1. Slides
  2. Javadocs on fork-join framework
  3. For the curious, these papers offer a deeper look at the fork-join framework. They're written for experts, but you might find them interesting:


  1. [10 min] Questions
  2. [25 min] Insertion sort exercise
  3. [25 min] Binary search
  4. [5 min] Function objects intro.
  5. [30 min] Programming exercise on Comparator
  6. [10 min] Intro. to paralllel programming with fork/join
  7. [40 min] Fork/join lab
  8. [15 min] Work time

HW Assigned

  1. HW 15a
  2. HW 15b (Bonus project)
  3. HW 15c