CSSE 220 – Object-Oriented Software Development
Exam Prep
Prepare for your upcoming Exam 1. It covers the material in chapters 1–7 of Big Java. While preparing for the exam, recall:
- You can ask questions by piazza.
- The slides for the course are available on-line.
- Sample exams are available.
- To put the samples in your Eclipse: Download the linked zipped file, then in Eclipse, File ~ Import, then General -> Existing Projects into Workspace, then Browse and find the folder with the downloaded projects, then Finish.
- These problems are excellent practice for Exam 1.
- Additional resources that you might find helpful for the test (either preparing for it, or while taking it) include:
- One page summaries: We're making available some one-page summaries of some of the topics we have discussed. These were prepared in a previous term, and we haven't reviewed them, but wanted you to have access in case you find them helpful.