Session Details

Week 0, Session 1 — Thu Sep 1


  1. Bookmark this page
  2. Syllabus
  3. Skim materials available on ANGEL
  4. Configure Eclipse for Java
  5. Install if not already installed: Java, Eclipse, Subclipse

HW Due

  1. none


  1. Brief course introduction
  2. Getting started with Java (printing, defining and calling static methods, declaring variables, looping, the summing loop pattern)
  3. Eclipse and Subclipse (running a program, checking out and committing a project)
  4. Javadoc comments


  1. Slides
  2. Python vs. Java features


  1. [30 min] Roll Call, Tour of online materials, a few words about the course. Hand out daily quiz
  2. [10 min] Configure Eclipse
  3. [10 min] Version control review
  4. [5 min] Break
  5. [15 min] Checkout and run first Java program. HelloPrinter exercise in HW1 project.
  6. [15 min] Basic Java classes (Factorial example): printing, defining and calling static methods, declaring variables, looping, the summing loop pattern. Factorial exercise in HW1 project.
  7. [5 min] Javadoc comments, program style.
  8. [15 min] Finish daily quiz, begin homework (finish Factorial and begin SeriesSum in HW1 project).

HW Assigned

  1. HW 1