CSSE 220 – Object-Oriented Software Development

Homework 27


Explore the use of more powerful data structures.


  1. Solo Work In-Class:
    1. Your solo work for this part must be done in the DataStructures project inside Eclipse. Use theSVN Repository Exploring perspective to check out this project, then switch back to the Java perspective.
    2. Complete the TODO items in DataStructureDemo.
  2. Solo Work In-Class: Work on the Markov Program.

    1. Complete the FixedLengthQueue in-class exercise.
    2. Begin work on the Markov Program. Your goal is to understand the assignment description well and begin planning how to implement your solution.

      We’re only going to do Milestone 1 of Markov this term. We’ll have more in-class work time on it in the next class session. Milestone 1 is due at noon on Friday of 10th week.

  3. Team Assignment: The project is due at the beginning of Thursday's class.  So you should be done.  But of course there are late days.  Due to unexpected circumstances in September and early October, I was not able to keep track of late days used/earned. Thus I will allow every team to use this last late day.  NO LATE DAYS WILL BE ALLOWED FOR THE MARKOV PROJECT.

Remember, in all your code:

Here is the grading rubric for this assignment.

Turn-in Instructions

Turn in your individual/pair work by committing it to your SVN repository.