The write-up for this lab hasn't been completed. Currently this lab and the next are done as an interactive design project. The instructor should use UML for BallWorlds.doc to make a set of hand-outs. (Don't collate them; you'll give everybody one page at a time.)

BallWorlds, Part 1

Here are the steps for the exercise:

  1. Show BallWorlds specification.jpg on a slide, also hand this out. Describe the various parts of the interface and how they will behave.
  2. Have students get in groups at the white boards. Have them brainstorm the various entities/classes that BallWorlds should have. We gave them a list of Java classes that they might include. We also encouraged them to consider the visual representation and to think about whether any other, unseen entities might be useful. The goal is to get them to come up with something like the first page of UML for BallWorlds.doc – the entities in the BallWorlds program.