Grading rubric
Recall the
General Instructions for Grading Programs.
Eclipse project for this assignment: DesigningClasses
Points to be awarded for:
Chess UML Diagram
- 7 points - Complete for all the classes in your
design (should be a reasonable list of classes)
- 3 points - Uses the proper notation for
relationships between classes
- 5 points - Paragraph describing design
- Chess Program
- 8 points - Create classes based on your
design for the Chess program
- 8 points - Create constructor and
method stubs.
- 4 points - Add javadocs for constructor
and method stubs.
- Polygon Program
- 3 points - Included necessary static
fields, initialized to the correct values
- 5 points - Correctly update the static
fields in the constructor
- 2 points - getFewestSides and
getMostSides return the proper values
Total: 45 points