CSSE 220 – Object-Oriented Software Development

Homework 3 Grading Rubric

Recall the General Instructions for Grading Programs.

Eclipse project for this assignment: JavadocsAndUnitTesting

Points to be awarded:

  1. StringMethodsPractice – 2 points for each of the 5 places where Javadoc comments were to be added (the class, main, shout, whisper, holleWerld) (so 10 points total).

  2. StringMethodsPracticeTest – 4 points for at least 3 reasonable tests for each of the 3 methods tested: shout, whisper, and holleWerld (so 12 points total).

Total: 22 points.

Eclipse project for this assignment: WordGames

Points to be awarded:
  1. The grading rubric for this project is available at the top-right of the WordGames instructions.

Note: There was a written exercise associated with this homework, worth 12 points. It is graded separately.