CSSE 220 – Object-Oriented Software Development

Homework 1 Grading Rubric

Recall the General Instructions for Grading Programs.

Eclipse project for this assignment: HW1

Points to be awarded:

  1. HelloPrinter class – 10 points if it prints anything other than “Hello, World!”

    Per the above link, additionally deduct points for poor style or documentation on this and all succeeding items.

  2. Factorial – 10 points if it computes factorial’s correctly. Run the supplied JUnit test to check correctness.

    If they named the Factorial class or factorial method incorrectly, the JUnit test will not compile. Take off 2 points for this error.

  3. SeriesSum – 10 points if it computes sum(1 .. n) correctly. Run the supplied JUnit test to check correctness.

    If they named the SeriesSum class or seriesSum method incorrectly, the JUnit test will not compile. Take off 2 points for this error.

    They should also indicate via a comment in the code that overflow occurs at n = 65536. Take off 2 points if they do not.

Total: 30 points.