CSSE 220: Recursion in search

In this exercise, you will learn about recursion by writing several recursive search methods, and by comparing and contrasting them to iterative search methods.
  1. Download the RecursiveSearch project.
  2. Write an iterative method called linearSearchIteratively which iterates through the array passed to it in a linear fashion. This method returns the index of the element in the array or -1 if the element does not appear in the array.
  3. Write a recursive method called linearSearchRecursively which uses recursion to linearly search through the array passed to it. This method returns the index of the element in the array or -1 if the element does not appear in the array. In your code, identify the base case, the recursive case, and where in the code you make progress towards the base case.
  4. Write an iterative method called binarySearchIteratively which iterates through the array passed to it in a binary fashion. This method returns the index of the element in the array or -1 if the element does not appear in the array.
  5. Write a recursive method called binarySearchRecursively which uses recursion to implement binary search on the array passed to it. This method returns the index of the element in the array or -1 if the element does not appear in the array. In your code, identify the base case, the recursive case, and where in the code you make progress towards the base case.