/** Describes a quantity of an article to purchase. */ public class LineItem { /** Constructs an item from the product and quantity. @param aProduct the product @param aQuantity the item quantity */ public LineItem(Product aProduct, int aQuantity) { theProduct = aProduct; quantity = aQuantity; } /** Computes the total cost of this line item. @return the total price */ public double getTotalPrice() { return theProduct.getPrice() * quantity; } /** Gets the product that this item describes. @return the product */ public Product getProduct() { return theProduct; } /** Gets the quantity of the product that this item describes. @return the quantity */ public int getQuantity() { return quantity; } /** Formats this item. @return a formatted string of this item */ public String format() { return String.format("%-30s%8.2f%5d%8.2f", theProduct.getDescription(), theProduct.getPrice(), quantity, getTotalPrice()); } private int quantity; private Product theProduct; }