import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Scanner; /** A bank contains customers with bank accounts. */ public class Bank { /** Constructs a bank with no customers. */ public Bank() { customers = new ArrayList(); } /** Reads the customer numbers and pins and initializes the bank accounts. @param filename the name of the customer file */ public void readCustomers(String filename) throws IOException { Scanner in = new Scanner(new FileReader(filename)); while (in.hasNext()) { int number = in.nextInt(); int pin = in.nextInt(); Customer c = new Customer(number, pin); addCustomer(c); } in.close(); } /** Adds a customer to the bank. @param c the customer to add */ public void addCustomer(Customer c) { customers.add(c); } /** Finds a customer in the bank. @param aNumber a customer number @param aPin a personal identification number @return the matching customer, or null if no customer matches */ public Customer findCustomer(int aNumber, int aPin) { for (Customer c : customers) { if (c.match(aNumber, aPin)) return c; } return null; } private ArrayList customers; }