Grading rubric
Recall the General Instructions for Grading Programs.
Eclipse project for this assignment: BallWorlds
Points to be awarded for:
- Dud - 5 points
- DudThatMoves - 10 points
- 5 points - Displayed as a different color
- 5 points - Moves at a constant velocity
- Mover - 25 points
- 5 points - Starts in middle of environment
- 5 points - Random velocity and direction
- 5 points - Selectable
- 5 points - Draggable
- 5 points - Killable
- Bouncer - 15 points
- 10 points - Bounces off walls
- 5 points - Inherits funcionality defined in Mover
- Shrinker - 25 points
- 5 points - Shrinks to random size between 0 and initial size
- 5 points - Grows to size between initial size and 4 times that size
- 5 points - Continues shrinking and growing cycle
- 5 points - Pausing also pauses size changes
- 5 points - Inherits funcionality defined in Bouncer
- Exploder - 20 points
- 5 points - Grows to between 1 and 10 times its initial size
- 5 points - Original ball removed from world at explosion time
- 5 points - New Exploders added to world at explosion time
- 5 points - Inherits funcionality defined in Bouncer
Total: 100 points