CSSE 220 – Object-Oriented Software Development

Homework 14


Practice with designing and implementing classes. Learn the UMLet tool for drawing UML class diagrams.


  1. Complete the assigned reading for the next session, according to the course schedule.
  2. Complete the assessment exercises over this reading on ANGEL (under Lessons → Assignments).
  3. Individual Programming: Complete the Static project that you began in class, as follows:
  4. You should have completed the following in class, nothing to turn in for this item for homework:

    1. Using CRC cards, develop a design for a program that lets two players play chess against each other.
      • Assume that the players enter moves in the (single, shared) console, but that the board is displayed in a window.
      • You will do this in groups of 3 or so, who share a single set of about 10 index cards.
    2. Convert your CRC cards to a UML class diagram. Show the relationships between the classes, but you need not show the details (attributes and operations) for each class.
      • Each individual should draw their own diagram.
  5. Install UMLet: Download and install the UMLet program for drawing UML diagrams by following these instructions.
  6. CRC card and UML class diagram exercise : Use UMLet to draw a UML class diagram for our CRC cards for Chess.

Remember, in all your code:

  • Write appropriate comments:
    • Javadoc comments for public fields and methods.
    • Explanations of anything else that is not obvious.
  • Give self-documenting variable and method names:
    • Use name completion in Eclipse, Ctrl-Space, to keep typing cost low and readability high.
  • Use Ctrl-Shift-F in Eclipse to format your code.
  • Take care of all auto-generated TODO's.
    • Then delete the TODO comment.
  • Correct ALL compiler warnings.
    • Quick Fix is your friend!

Here is the grading rubric for this assignment.

Turn-in Instructions

Turn in your programming work by committing it to your SVN repository for this project. Bring your written work to class.