Session Details

Week 4, Session 10 — Mon Jan 4


  1. Big Java, §7.1–7.5

HW Due

  1. HW 9


  1. Arrays
  2. ArrayLists
  3. Wrapper classes and auto-boxing
  4. Enhanced for loop


  1. Slides
  2. Summary on Arrays and ArrayLists


  1. [10 min] Questions
  2. [10 min] Arrays, lecture
  3. [20 min] Arrays, do first 2 methods of StateList in ArraysAndLists project (fast students can continue to the 3rd one)
  4. [10 min] ArrayList's, lecture
  5. [ 5 min] Break
  6. [10 min] ArrayList, do 4th method of StateList (first one of 3 on ArrayList's)
  7. [6 min] Wrapper classes and auto-boxing
  8. [4 min] Enhanced for loop
  9. [10 min] ArrayList, do remaining 5th method of StateList, then switch to ElectionSimulator
  10. [20 min] Begin implementing ElectionSimulator and then Main, finish as homework

HW Assigned

  1. HW 10