CSSE 220 – Object-Oriented Software Development

Homework 25


Explore the use of more powerful data structures. Continue work on team project.


  1. Complete the assigned reading for the next session: §20.1–20.5. (See schedule for topics to focus on.) As you read, see if you can answer the self-check questions. If there is something you do not understand, make note of it so you can ask about it.
  2. Complete the assessment exercise over this reading on ANGEL (under Lessons → Assignments).
  3. Solo Work In-Class:
    1. Your solo work for this part must be done in the DataStructures project inside Eclipse. Use theSVN Repository Exploring perspective to check out this project, then switch back to the Java perspective.
    2. Complete the TODO items in DataStructureDemo.
  4. Solo/Pair Work In-Class: Work with your partner for the Markov Program (or alone if you chose to not partner).

    1. Complete the FixedLengthQueue in-class exercise.
    2. Begin work on the Markov Program. Your goal is to understand the assignment description well and begin planning how to implement your solution.

      We’re only going to do Milestone 1 of Markov this term. We’ll have more in-class work time on it in the next class session. Milestone 1 is due at the start of class, Session 29.

  5. Team Assignment: Continue working with your team toward the next assigned milestone of the Vector Graphics project.

Turn-in Instructions

Turn in your individual/pair work by committing it to your SVN repository.

See the Vector Graphics assignment description for team project deliverables.