CSSE 220 – Object-Oriented Software Development

Homework 20


Practice with user stories, object-oriented design and implementation, GUIs, and basic data structures.


  1. There is no assigned reading for the next session.
  2. You’ll commit your individual written work for this homework to the OODesign project inside Eclipse. Use the SVN Repository Exploring perspective to check out this project, then switch back to the Java perspective.
  3. Written Assignment: Using the CRC Card technique we practiced in class, complete an object-oriented design (not implementation) for a program that implements an appointment calendar. An appointment includes the date, starting time, ending time, description, and location; for example,
      Dentist 2008/30/10 17:30 18:30 1060 W. Addison
      CSSE220 2008/22/10 8:05 9:50 F230
    Your design must include a user interface to add appointments, remove canceled appointments, and print out a list of appointments for a particular day. Your design should include a class AppointmentCalendar that is not coupled with the Scanner or PrintStream classes.

    This exercise is from Big Java, P12.7.

  4. Team Assignment: Working with your team, complete the assigned milestone of the Vector Graphics project.

Turn-in Instructions

Turn in your individual written work by committing from Eclipse. Be sure that the Violet file and your CRC Card images are checked in the commit dialog box so that they are added to the repository.

See the Vector Graphics project description for team project deliverables.