CSSE 220 – Object-Oriented Software Development

Homework 17


More practice with event-based programming in Swing.


  1. Complete the assigned reading for the next session: Big Java, §13.1–13.3. (See schedule for topics to focus on.) As you read, see if you can answer the self-check questions. If there is something you do not understand, make note of it so you can ask about it.
  2. Complete the assessment exercise over this reading on ANGEL (under Lessons → Assignments).
  3. Pair Programming: Work with your assigned partner on the BallWorlds exercise.

    Project timeline:

    This is a pair programming assignment. You must work together following the rules of pair programming. That means one driver and one navigator working on a single copy of the program at a time. If I find that either member of your pair worked on any of the required stages of the assignment independently, that is grounds for that member to receive a zero for the assignment.

    Because this is a pair assignment, I don’t expect you to work on it over break. However, if you are really into the project and want to experiment, it is OK to independently add extensions to the project beyond what is required in the project specification.

Turn-in Instructions

Turn in your programming work by committing it to your SVN repository.