package examples.example2_one_client_OO; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; /** *
 * NetworkingExamples project: examples.example2_one_client_OO.
 * A simple example of networking (Sockets) in which:
 *   -- A single Server and Client exchange information, one after the other.
 * This is the same example as {@link examples.example1_one_client}
 * except structured in a more OO way.  In particular, this structure has 3 classes:
 *   -- Main: for starting the program.
 *   -- Server: for initiating and running the Server.
 *   -- Client: for initiating and running the Client.
 * Run this program on one computer choosing "Server"
 * and on another computer choosing "Client".
 * Or, run both on the same computer; choose "localhost" as the Server HostName.
 * NOTE:
 *   1. The Server should be started before the Client starts.
 *   2. Before running this program, you may need to tell your Firewall not to
 *      block the port that this program uses (4444, chosen arbitrarily).  In Windows, do so by:
 *         Control Panel ~ Windows Firewall ~ Exceptions tab ~ Add Port
 *      and enter the port number (4444) with any name you like.
 * See {@link examples.example1_one_client#MainForServer} for:
 *   -- Exactly what information the Server and Client exchange in this demo.
 *   -- The 7 Key Statements that are all-you-need-to-know to do networking in Java.
 * See {@link examples.example3_one_client_OO_library} for this same example
 * but using the simple networking library in package {@link simpleNetworking}.
* * @author David Mutchler, based on the Java Tutorials on networking. May, 2009. */ public class Main { private static int PORT = 4444; // most numbers > 1023 are probably OK here /** * Asks the user whether she wishes to be the Server or Client, * and constructs whichever she requests. * * @param commandLineArguments Ignored here */ public static void main(String[] commandLineArguments) { String hostName = ""; String whoAmI = ""; try { String[] options = {"Server", "Client"}; int answer = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog( null, "Are you the Server or the Client?\n\n" + "Remember to start the Server before the Client.\n\n", "Which are you -- Server or Client?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, "Server"); if (answer == 0) { whoAmI = "Server"; new Server(Main.PORT); } else { whoAmI = "Client"; hostName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "OK, you are the Client and have started.\n\n" + "What is the HostName (e.g.\n" + "or IP address (e.g. of the Server?\n" + "(Enter localhost or just press OK for this local machine.)\n\n"); new Client(hostName, Main.PORT); } } catch (UnknownHostException exception) { System.out.println(exception); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, whoAmI + " could not connect to " + hostName + " because that is an unknown host.\n\n" + "The Server may still running; fix that by running a Client\n" + "(without starting a Server).\n\n"); } catch (ConnectException exception) { System.out.println(exception); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, whoAmI + " could not connect to " + hostName + " either because:\n" + " -- the Server is not yet started, or \n" + " -- the host does not accept connections on port " + Main.PORT + ".\n\n" + "The Server may still running; fix that by running a Client\n" + "(without starting a Server).\n\n"); } catch (NoRouteToHostException exception) { System.out.println(exception); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, whoAmI + " could not connect to " + hostName + " perhaps because\n" + "the hostname " + hostName + " does not allow connections on port " + Main.PORT + ".\n\n" + "The Server may still running; fix that by running a Client\n" + "(without starting a Server).\n\n"); } catch (BindException exception) { System.out.println(exception); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, whoAmI + " could not connect to " + hostName + " perhaps because\n" + "port " + Main.PORT + " is in use.\n" + "The Server is probably still running; stop it by getting a Client to run.\n\n" + "The Server may still running; fix that by running a Client\n" + "(without starting a Server).\n\n"); } catch (SocketException exception) { System.out.println(exception); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, whoAmI + " ended, either because it could not start\n" + "or (more likely) because the user closed the Server.\n\n"); } catch (IOException exception) { System.out.println(exception); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, whoAmI + " ended, probably because the user closed the Server.\n\n"); } catch (Throwable exception) { System.out.println(exception); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, whoAmI + " ended abnormally. See stack trace.\n\n"); exception.printStackTrace(); } } }