import java.util.AbstractSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; /** A hash set stores an unordered collection of objects, using a hash table. */ public class HashSet extends AbstractSet { /** Constructs a hash table. @param bucketsLength the length of the buckets array */ public HashSet(int bucketsLength) { buckets = new Node[bucketsLength]; size = 0; } /** Tests for set membership. @param x an object @return true if x is an element of this set */ public boolean contains(Object x) { int h = x.hashCode(); if (h < 0) h = -h; h = h % buckets.length; Node current = buckets[h]; while (current != null) { if ( return true; current =; } return false; } /** Adds an element to this set. @param x an object @return true if x is a new object, false if x was already in the set */ public boolean add(Object x) { int h = x.hashCode(); if (h < 0) h = -h; h = h % buckets.length; Node current = buckets[h]; while (current != null) { if ( return false; // Already in the set current =; } Node newNode = new Node(); = x; = buckets[h]; buckets[h] = newNode; size++; return true; } /** Removes an object from this set. @param x an object @return true if x was removed from this set, false if x was not an element of this set */ public boolean remove(Object x) { int h = x.hashCode(); if (h < 0) h = -h; h = h % buckets.length; Node current = buckets[h]; Node previous = null; while (current != null) { if ( { if (previous == null) buckets[h] =; else =; size--; return true; } previous = current; current =; } return false; } /** Returns an iterator that traverses the elements of this set. @return a hash set iterator */ public Iterator iterator() { return new HashSetIterator(); } /** Gets the number of elements in this set. @return the number of elements */ public int size() { return size; } private Node[] buckets; private int size; private class Node { public Object data; public Node next; } private class HashSetIterator implements Iterator { /** Constructs a hash set iterator that points to the first element of the hash set. */ public HashSetIterator() { current = null; bucket = -1; previous = null; previousBucket = -1; } public boolean hasNext() { if (current != null && != null) return true; for (int b = bucket + 1; b < buckets.length; b++) if (buckets[b] != null) return true; return false; } public Object next() { previous = current; previousBucket = bucket; if (current == null || == null) { // Move to next bucket bucket++; while (bucket < buckets.length && buckets[bucket] == null) bucket++; if (bucket < buckets.length) current = buckets[bucket]; else throw new NoSuchElementException(); } else // Move to next element in bucket current =; return; } public void remove() { if (previous != null && == current) =; else if (previousBucket < bucket) buckets[bucket] =; else throw new IllegalStateException(); current = previous; bucket = previousBucket; } private int bucket; private Node current; private int previousBucket; private Node previous; } }