import java.util.Random; /** This class simulates a needle in the Buffon needle experiment. */ public class Needle { /** Constructs a needle. */ public Needle() { hits = 0; tries = 0; generator = new Random(); } /** Drops the needle on the grid of lines and remembers whether the needle hit a line. */ public void drop() { double ylow = 2 * generator.nextDouble(); double angle = 180 * generator.nextDouble(); // Computes high point of needle double yhigh = ylow + Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle)); if (yhigh >= 2) hits++; tries++; } /** Gets the number of times the needle hit a line. @return the hit count */ public int getHits() { return hits; } /** Gets the total number of times the needle was dropped. @return the try count */ public int getTries() { return tries; } private Random generator; private int hits; private int tries; }