Session Details

Week 2, Session 7 — Thu Sep 18


  1. Big Java, Ch. 5 Pay particular attention to the §5.2 on Comparing Values and §5.5 on Test Coverage. Be sure to read Advanced Topics 5.1-Selection Operator, 5.2-switch Statement, and 5.3-Enumerated Types.

HW Due

  1. HW 6


  1. if statements
  2. == and equals()
  3. Selection operator
  4. switch statements and enumerated types
  5. Test coverage


  1. Slides


  1. [10 min] Questions
  2. [5 min] if statement review
  3. [15 min] Comparing objects
  4. [10 min] Selection operator
  5. [5 min] break
  6. [5 min] Switch and enum
  7. [15 min] Bid exercise
  8. [10 min] Booleans, predicate methods
  9. [5 min] Test coverage
  10. [25 min] Work time

HW Assigned

  1. HW 7