Session Details

Week 1, Session 3 — Wed Sep 10


  1. Big Java, §2.8–2.10
  2. First two pages of this intro to UML Class Diagrams

HW Due

  1. HW 2


  1. Unit tests with JUnit
  2. API documentation
  3. Object references


  1. Slides
  2. Moving from JUnit 3.8 to 4 (ignore if you don’t already know JUnit 3.8)


  1. [10] Questions
  2. [15] Javadocs
  3. [15] Javadoc exercise, summary
  4. [5] Break
  5. [15] Unit testing with JUnit
  6. [10] JUnit exercise
  7. [15] Object references, assignment, box and pointer diagrams
  8. [20] Written exercise

HW Assigned

  1. HW 3