This assignment is to be done by a pair of students. I suggest that you have the student who feels least confident be the one who does the "driving"; then it will be easier to make sure that both of you understand what you are doing.
If the number of students in class today is odd, I will ask for a "solo" volunteer.
A "fixed length queue" is a very simple abstract data type. It behaves (sort of) like a queue that holds Objects. When constructed, it is given a fixed capacity, and it initially contains no objects.Whenever we add an object to the queue,
if the queue is already filled to capacity
the object that was the head of the queue before the addition
is "pushed out", and what was the second object
in the queue becomes the new head.
There is no explicit remove operation. Perhaps it should be there, but it is not part of this assignment due to time constraints.
The only other public operation besides add is toString, which simply performs each object's toString method, and concatenates all of the resulting strings (in queue order of course), separated by a space.
Thus you only have three public methods to implement:
constructor, add, toString.
A FixedLengthQueue should be implemented using an array, so only a fixed amount of space is ever allocated for a given queue. The add method should be a constant-time operation (i.e. the running time for this method should not depend on the capacity of the queue, as evidenced by no loops or recursive calls in its code). Hint: treat the array as a circle. The % operator may be helpful here.
TestFixedLengthQueue {
void main(String[]
args) {
// Tests standard behavior
FixedLengthQueue q = new
String testString = "I heard it through
the grapevine.";
String[] splitString = testString.split("
(int i = 0; i
< splitString.length; i++) {
// Tests undersized queue:
q = new
} catch
(IllegalArgumentException e) {
occurred as expected.");
/* Correct output:
I heard
I heard it
heard it through
it through the
through the grapevine.
Exception occurred as expected.
The Process
- Check out the FixedLengthQueue project from your repository.
- Create a new class called FixedLengthQueue with no default constructor
and no main method.
- Write the code for
- Run the file.
- Compile, run, debug, ...
- Add code to the constructor to prohibit construction of a
FixedLengthQueue whose capacity is less than 1.
- Add code to to test the restriction on
Queue capacity.