Session Details

Week 3, Session 7 — Mon Dec 10


  1. 4.5
  2. Appendix B.3

HW Due

  1. HW 6
  2. ANGEL Quiz 5
  3. PigLatiner Unit Testing from Day 6 class


  1. Java GUI intro: Swing
  2. JFrame, JComponent, Drawing
  3. Colors
  4. Drawing Objects
  5. User input via JOptionPane
  6. Components, and containers
  7. JButton and JLabel
  8. Layout managers


  1. Slides


  1. [10 min] Answers to Student questions
  2. [40 min] Swing intro: Frames, components, graphics
  3. [5 min] break
  4. [50 min] More Swing, colors, user input, drawing objects * [50 min] More Swing, colors, user input, drawing objects

HW Assigned

  1. HW 7