CSSE 220 -- Object-oriented Software Development

Homework 21 Due at 8:05 AM on Day 22

Written problems due at the beginning of your class meeting Day 21.

  1. Complete the assigned reading for the next session (see the course schedule). If there is something you do not understand, make a note of it so you can ask about it in class.
  2. Complete Milestone 1 the Markov program.  Recall that Milestone 1 is officially due before the Day 22 class, but you should think of it as being due early in the weekend, and make some progress toward Milestone 2 before that class, since Milestone 2 is due later next  week (the day after the exam).
  3. Do the following written problems.  You can write them by hand, or do them on your computer and  print them out.  If you do them on your computer, it is not necessary to get an actual working implementation for #3.  You can simply write it in a word processor if you wish.  Bring a printed copy to the Day 22 class.

    1. (12 points) Weiss problem 5.15, fragments 1-4 only, part (a) only for each fragment. P 194-195

    2. (12 points) Weiss Exercise 5.21 (Worst-case running time for each part).

    3.  (15 points) Weiss Exercise 6.5.  Be sure to begin thinking about this one early.  You may have to come back to it a few times before you figure out what to do.  P 247.  Here is a longer explanation:

    The goal of this problem is to implement a collection data type that provides three operations and does them efficiently:


    push(obj);       adds obj to the collection.

    obj = pop();     removes and returns the most recently-added object.

    obj = findMin(); returns the smallest object (assume that all

                     of the objects in the collection are comparable).


    A single stack can do the first two operations in constant time, but not the third. But if our implementation uses TWO stacks to represent a collection, it is possible to do each of the three operations in constant time. Is should be obvious that our new data structure's  push method will have to do more work (than the push operation for an ordinary stack would have to do) in order for findMin to also be a constant-time operation. All you need to do is show the code for a constructor and the three operations. You may assume that there is already a Stack class that has its own push, pop, and top methods. The code for each of the three methods that you must provide is short.  I hope that by making things a bit more specific, it will make it easier for you to get started on this problem.

    To further assist you in understanding this problem, I am giving you a framework in which your answers could go: A class declaration with stubs for the three methods you are supposed to write.  Each of those methods should be constant time (no loops or recursion)

    class StackWithMin<E> {
    private Stack<E>
    stack1, stack2;
    // You should give these two stacks names that indicate what they are used for   

          public StackWithMin() {
    this.stack1 = new Stack<E>();
    this.stack2 = new Stack<E>();

          public void push(E element) { /* You fill in the details */ }

          public E pop() {/* You fill in the details */ }

          public E findMin() {/* You fill in the details */ }