CSSE 220 -- Object-oriented Software Development

Homework 8 Due at 8:05 AM on Day 9 (except the program, due at 11:59). 

  1. No new reading.  You have plenty to do!
  2. Begin to look at the Key Concepts from the end of chapter 4.  This is a good place to quickly notice things you might have missed from the chapters. At some point we will have a "Key concepts quiz" over chapters 1-4.  It will be after the Christmas break.
  3. Complete the Angel quiz over some previous reading material. You'll find this on the course Angel page, under Lessons → Assignments → Reading Quizzes → Quiz 6.  This quiz only covers Weiss Sections 4.5-4.5.3.
  4. Write and test the Swing Warmup  program. Commit it to your repository. 

    Programs are usually due at 8:05 AM, but this one will be due at 11:59 PM on Day 9.  This is because in this new GUI environment, there are a lot of things that can hang you up, and I want you to have more opportunities to ask for help from me or from the TAs. DO NOT let the later due date be a reason for you to start later. If there is any 220 assignment that needs an early start, it is this one. I strongly suggest that you plan to get parts 1 and 2 done today, and part 3 done tomorrow morning, so that there is time to recover and get help if you run into roadblocks.