< CSSE 220 – Homework

CSSE 220 -- Object-oriented Software Development

Homework 1

Note: This assignment is a little bit longer than a typical Monday-night assignment will be.
  1. Complete the assigned reading for the next session (see the course schedule). If there is something you do not understand, make note of it so you can ask about it.
    Estimated time: Syllabus: 15 minutes, Textbook: 40 minutes.
  2. Glance at Exercises 1.1-1.12 of Weiss (pages 23-24).  If you aren't able to figure out the answers, perhaps you need to read more carefully.
  3. Complete the Angel quiz over this reading. You'll find this on the course Angel page, under Lessons → Assignments → Reading Quizzes → Quiz 1
    Estimated time (after reading the material): 20 minutes.

    One question on the Quiz asks, which section of Java in A Nutshell is called "Subclasses and Inheritance"? You should look this up on Safari Tech Books Online, as described in the Syllabus, before taking the quiz. The purpose for this question is to make sure everyone knows how to find the books there. Note that Logan Library's license for Safari only allows a few students at a time to access its books, and only one or two students at a time to access a specific book. To avoid long waits for other students, please log out of Safari as soon as you are done (by clicking the link near the top right of the page).

  4. If you have not already installed the  Subclipse plug-in for Eclipse, you should do so. http://www.rose-hulman.edu/class/csse/resources/Subclipse/installation.htm.  If you took 120 in Spring, 2006 or later, you probably already have it. 
  5. Create  a simple Java class called HW1 in file HW1.java, that implements the following two static methods. Note that each method must return a value. Neither method should print anything. To test these methods, you should write your own main() method that calls the prescribed methods with various arguments and prints the results so you can check the answers. When I test your program after you turn it in, my test code will not use your main() function, but it will call the other two functions, expecting exactly the signatures that I give you here.

    Estimated time: 30 minutes.

  6. Submit your HW1.java file into your turn folder on AFS.  In the Session 2 class, you will see why I have you submit it there. Here's how:
    1. You need to copy your HW1.java file to the AFS folder /class/csse/csse220/200820/turnin/yourusername/Homework1 . Of course you should substitute your actual username where I wrote "yourusername".  If you use FTP or some other approach to turn it in, you might need to begin the path to the folder with /afs/rose-hulman.edu/class/csse.
    2. The program you use to get the AFS client going on your machine and authenticated may depend on which laptop software suite you have.
      • 2007 - Network Identity Manager
      • 2006 - AFS Drive Mapper
      • 2004 or 2005 - Leash
    3. I assume that upperclassmen have used AFS before (if, not get help from me or from a lab assistant this afternoon or evening), so I give instructions for using Network Identity Manager for the freshman who may not have used it.
    4. Network Identity Manager should be either on your desktop or in ALL Programs on your Start Menu, under Kerberos for Windows.  Start it.
    5. In the Options menu, choose AFS, then click the Start Service button. When it is done, click OK.
    6. In the Credential Menu, choose Obtain New Credentials, then type your Kerberos password, and press OK.  Close the Network Identity Manager windows.
    7. On your desktop, open My Network Places. Click Class on AFS, then CSSE, csse220, 200820, turnin, your username, Homework1 .
    8. Drag your HW1.java file from your Eclipse project folder to that folder.
    9. Estimated time: 10-15 minutes.  It will be much faster in the future, because you will already know how to locate your turnin folder.