CSSE 220 -- Object-oriented Software Development

Updated November 2010 to reflect new edition of Weiss book.

Homework 3

  1. (5 points)  Weiss exercise 1.14.
  2. (4 points)  Weiss exercise 2.7.  In addition to telling what each prints, explain why it prints what it prints.
  3. (5 points) Weiss exercise 2.11.  (Replace "routine" by "static method".)  You do not have to do this on your computer, but you are welcome to do so if you wish.


Homework 5 Due at 8:05 AM on Day 6. 

  1. (5 points)  Weiss exercise 2.13.
  2. (5 points)  Weiss exercise 2.15.  You do not have to do this on your computer, but you are welcome to do so if you wish, and paste the code into your document (or just print it if you did the rest of the problems by hand).  You should not use high-level tools like StringTokenizer to do this, but should use the basic String operations (indexOf and substring may be particularly helpful).  The following code and output may help clarify what the method is supposed to do.

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String[] stringList = split("Here is a short sentence.", " ");
        for (String s : stringList)
        stringList = split("abracadabra.", "bc");

    (String s : stringList)

  3. Weiss 2.16
  4. Weiss 2.19
  5. (2 points) Weiss exercise 3.15. 


Homework 6 Due at 8:05 AM on Day 7. 

  1. (3 points)  Weiss exercise 3.14.  Read the first sentence as " ... a single private constructor and no other constructors."
  2. (7 points)  Weiss exercise 4.6.  Be sure that you do all seven parts (some are on the next page).
  3. (8 points) List the number of each of the statements in the main( ) method of the following program, that would have to be commented out in order to make this code compile and run.  For each statement that you list, explain why it is illegal.
       public class HW6StaticMethods {
       public int pi;
       public static int psi = 5;
       public static int triple(int i) {
          return 3*i;
       public int quadruple(int i) {
          return 4*pi;
       public HW6StaticMethods(int i){
          this.pi = i;
       public static void main(String[] args){
          HW6StaticMethods hw6 = new HW6StaticMethods(12);
          /*1*/ System.out.println(pi);
          /*2*/ System.out.println(psi);
          /*3*/ System.out.println(quadruple(6));
          /*4*/ System.out.println(triple(7));
          /*5*/ System.out.println(hw6.pi);
          /*6*/ System.out.println(hw6.psi);
          /*7*/ System.out.println(hw6.quadruple(6));
          /*8*/ System.out.println(hw6.triple(7));


Homework 14 Due at 8:05 AM on Day 15. 
Written problems due at the beginning of your class period.

Written problems

  1. (5 points) When the input size is N, algorithm A uses 5 N log N operations, while algorithm B  uses N2 operations.  For small values of N, algorithm B is faster; for large values of N, algorithm A is faster.  Determine the smallest possible integer N0 such that for all N > N0 algorithm A is faster than algorithm B.  Show how you know that this is the correct integer.
  2. (9 points) Weiss 5.10 (big-Oh running time)
  3. (3 points) Weiss 5.11 (big-Oh running time)




Homework 17 Due at 8:05 AM on Day 18.

 (12 points) Weiss problems  4.23 – 4.25 (page 176). Assume that all of the items are of the same type, and that this type IS-A Comparable.


Homework 18 Due at 8:05 AM on Day 19.

  1. Do the following written problem.  Bring hard copy (hand-written or typed)  to the next class meeting.

    (15 points)  In class we saw that access to any element of a 2-dimensional array is constant-time.  If each item of an M rows and N column array contains b bytes, and L is the memory address of A[0][0], then the address of A[i][j] is L + b*(i*N + j), so two multiplications and two additions are needed regardless of the dimensions of the array.

    A lower-triangular matrix is a (we’ll restrict it to) square matrix (i.e., N x N for some N) in which every element above the main diagonal is zero. I drew a diagram of this on the board in the Day 17 class.  By “above the main diagonal”, we mean an element whose column number is larger than its  row number.  The internal representation of a triangular matrix should be a one-dimensional array.  Since almost half of the positions in the matrix are guaranteed to always be zero, it is not necessary to explicitly store them in the representation array, so we can save almost half of the space needed for a “normal” square matrix with the same number of rows and columns.  Note that the sum, difference, or product of two lower triangular square matrices is lower triangular, so these operations can (and should!) do considerably less work than the corresponding operations for “normal” matrices.

    (a)  (5 points) Show the order in which the elements of an N x N lower-triangular matrix can be stored in the computer's (one-dimensional) memory.

    (b) (10 points)  Given your storage scheme, give the formula for calculating the address in memory of A[i][j] where j ≤ i.  Use A,  L, and b to represent the same things as in the formula from the first paragraph of this problem.   Your formula should be computable in constant time.


Homework 20 Due at 8:05 AM on Day 21

1. (8 points) Weiss problem 5.22, p 221.

2. (6 points) Weiss Exercise 6.26 (a)(b),  p 290.  You do not need to actually implement it.

3. (6 points) Weiss Exercise 6.27 (a)(b),  p 290.  You do not need to actually implement it.

4. (6 points) Weiss Exercise 6.28 (a)(b),  p 290.  You do not need to actually implement it.


Homework 21 Due at 8:05 AM on Day 22

  1. 1. (12 points) Weiss problem 5.20, fragments 1-4 only, part (a) only for each fragment. P 220

    2. (12 points) Weiss Exercise 5.28 (Worst-case running time for each part).

    3.  (15 points) Weiss Exercise 6.5.  Be sure to begin thinking about this one early.  You may have to come back to it a few times before you figure out what to do.  P 282.  Here is a longer explanation:

    The goal of this problem is to implement a collection data type that provides three operations and does them efficiently:


    push(obj);       adds obj to the collection.

    obj = pop();     removes and returns the most recently-added object.

    obj = findMin(); returns the smallest object (assume that all

                     of the objects in the collection are comparable).


    A single stack can do the first two operations in constant time, but not the third. But if our implementation uses TWO stacks to represent a collection, it is possible to do each of the three operations in constant time. Is should be obvious that our new data structure's  push method will have to do more work (than the push operation for an ordinary stack would have to do) in order for findMin to also be a constant-time operation. All you need to do is show the code for a constructor and the three operations. You may assume that there is already a Stack class that has its own push, pop, and top methods. The code for each of the three methods that you must provide is short.  I hope that by making things a bit more specific, it will make it easier for you to get started on this problem.

    To further assist you in understanding this problem, I am giving you a framework in which your answers could go: A class declaration with stubs for the three methods you are supposed to write.  Each of those methods should be constant time (no loops or recursion)

    class StackWithMin<E> {
    private Stack<E>
    stack1, stack2;
    // You should give these two stacks names that indicate what they are used for   

          public StackWithMin() {
    this.stack1 = new Stack<E>();
    this.stack2 = new Stack<E>();

          public void push(E element) { /* You fill in the details */ }

          public E pop() {/* You fill in the details */ }

          public E findMin() {/* You fill in the details */ }

Homework 25 Due at 8:05 AM on Day 26

(15 points) In Weiss exercise 5.11, you examined the efficiency of computing XN, where X is a double value and N is an integer.  That algorithm is O(N) if we ignore the increasing size of the numbers to be multiplied.  It turns out we can do a lot better; there is an algorithm that is O(log N).  Write and test code that does this.    Hint:  Base your algorithm on the binary representation of N.  For example, X11 = X1*X2*X8 (Note that 11has one-bits representing 1, 2, and 8).   So you can write N as a sum of powers of 2.  Start with power=X,  and keep squaring power to get the original X to those powers of 2.   Only multiply X^(2^i) into the product if the ith  bit of the binary representation of N is 1.   Your program should ask the user for X and N, and print XN

You can just write the code out by hand if you wish, but I recommend getting it working in Eclipse and printing out your code.

Homework 26 Due at 8:05 AM on Day 27

1. (15 points) Weiss exercise 6.2. You can just write the code for part (a) out by hand if you wish, but I recommend getting it working in Eclipse and printing out your code.  Here is some code that you can use to test your method if you wish:

public static void main(String[] args) {
  Collection<Collection<String>> a = new ArrayList<Collection<String>>();

  String[][] arrays = {{"abc", "def", "ghi"},
                       {"xyz", "uvw", "abc", "abc"},
                       {"a", "ab", "abc", "xyz", "abc"}};

  for (String[] sArray : arrays){
    Collection<String> a1 = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (String s: sArray)
  System.out.println(count(a, "abc"));

2. (5 points) Weiss exercise 6.4.

Homework 27

1. Weiss Exercise 6.7

2. Weiss Exercise 6.33

Your program should read strings (one per line) form standard input, and write Strings (one per line) to standard output.  The alphabetical part of the sort should ignore case.  Hint: Use java.util.Collections.sort(). 


Enter the strings, one per line (CRTL Z to end):



Optional practice problems for Final Exam preparation (Weiss 3rd edition, not transformed yet)

6.14, 6.15, 6.17, 6.19, 6.20, 6.21, 6.22
8.1abc, 8.4abc, 8.5abc, 8.6abc
16.1, 16.3, 16.6, 16.7, 16.9
17.5, 17.6, 17.12, 17.17, 17.18