Below the line is formatted for import into Angel. To use, create a survey in Angel. Add a question to the survey, choose import questions, and copy and paste the text below. NOTE: Angel doesn't let us set the maximum number of checklist selections from the import mechanism, so you'll have to adjust that manually. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Q:

Team Preferences

Please complete the questions below to help us determine teams for your team project. Please give this survey some thought. You'll be spending a lot of time with your teammates, and your grade will be partly based on what you accomplish together. We will keep the information on this form confidential. Student preferences will be a partial basis for team formation. But so will grades on the assignments, and especially on the larger recent assignments. Teams will consist of three or four people. TYPE: SH Q: My first choice for a teammate is: A. No Preference B. Alexander Alvarez C. Jacob Anderson D. Christopher Andrews E. Spencer Balash F. Ian Hallam G. Cory Hamilton H. Carly Heibel I. Daniel Iverson J. Michael Johnson K. Chad Kohls L. Elizabeth Melton M. Drew Mendez N. Anna Mommer O. Benjamin Mullich P. John Petry Q. Jack Raplee R. Angelica Rodriguez S. Vashon Solomon T. Randall Turner U. Navin Weiss V. Daniel Wells W. Zhihao Xue X. Yashi Yadav Y. Marshall Yeoman Z. Seongjin Yoon TYPE: DL ID: FirstChoice Q: My second choice for a teammate is: A. No Preference B. Alexander Alvarez C. Jacob Anderson D. Christopher Andrews E. Spencer Balash F. Ian Hallam G. Cory Hamilton H. Carly Heibel I. Daniel Iverson J. Michael Johnson K. Chad Kohls L. Elizabeth Melton M. Drew Mendez N. Anna Mommer O. Benjamin Mullich P. John Petry Q. Jack Raplee R. Angelica Rodriguez S. Vashon Solomon T. Randall Turner U. Navin Weiss V. Daniel Wells W. Zhihao Xue X. Yashi Yadav Y. Marshall Yeoman Z. Seongjin Yoon TYPE: DL ID: SecondChoice Q: My thrid choice for a teammate is: A. No Preference B. Alexander Alvarez C. Jacob Anderson D. Christopher Andrews E. Spencer Balash F. Ian Hallam G. Cory Hamilton H. Carly Heibel I. Daniel Iverson J. Michael Johnson K. Chad Kohls L. Elizabeth Melton M. Drew Mendez N. Anna Mommer O. Benjamin Mullich P. John Petry Q. Jack Raplee R. Angelica Rodriguez S. Vashon Solomon T. Randall Turner U. Navin Weiss V. Daniel Wells W. Zhihao Xue X. Yashi Yadav Y. Marshall Yeoman Z. Seongjin Yoon TYPE: DL ID: ThirdChoice Q: My fourth choice for a teammate is: A. No Preference B. Alexander Alvarez C. Jacob Anderson D. Christopher Andrews E. Spencer Balash F. Ian Hallam G. Cory Hamilton H. Carly Heibel I. Daniel Iverson J. Michael Johnson K. Chad Kohls L. Elizabeth Melton M. Drew Mendez N. Anna Mommer O. Benjamin Mullich P. John Petry Q. Jack Raplee R. Angelica Rodriguez S. Vashon Solomon T. Randall Turner U. Navin Weiss V. Daniel Wells W. Zhihao Xue X. Yashi Yadav Y. Marshall Yeoman Z. Seongjin Yoon TYPE: DL ID: FourthChoice Q: My fifth choice for a teammate is: A. No Preference B. Alexander Alvarez C. Jacob Anderson D. Christopher Andrews E. Spencer Balash F. Ian Hallam G. Cory Hamilton H. Carly Heibel I. Daniel Iverson J. Michael Johnson K. Chad Kohls L. Elizabeth Melton M. Drew Mendez N. Anna Mommer O. Benjamin Mullich P. John Petry Q. Jack Raplee R. Angelica Rodriguez S. Vashon Solomon T. Randall Turner U. Navin Weiss V. Daniel Wells W. Zhihao Xue X. Yashi Yadav Y. Marshall Yeoman Z. Seongjin Yoon TYPE: DL ID: FifthChoice Q: I would prefer NOT to work with the following students (select up to three, selecting no one is fine if you can work with anyone): A. Alexander Alvarez B. Jacob Anderson C. Christopher Andrews D. Spencer Balash E. Ian Hallam F. Cory Hamilton G. Carly Heibel H. Daniel Iverson I. Michael Johnson J. Chad Kohls K. Elizabeth Melton L. Drew Mendez M. Anna Mommer N. Benjamin Mullich O. John Petry P. Jack Raplee Q. Angelica Rodriguez R. Vashon Solomon S. Randall Turner T. Navin Weiss U. Daniel Wells V. Zhihao Xue W. Yashi Yadav X. Marshall Yeoman Y. Seongjin Yoon TYPE: CL ID: Veto Q: When working on a team I prefer to: A. Take a strong leadership role B. Occasionally lead the team in making decisions C. Mostly follow along, but speak up when I feel strongly about something D. Follow along with what the others decide TYPE: LS ID: Leadership Q: My preferred times for working on homework are (check all that apply): A. Mornings (8am-noon) B. Early afternoon (noon-4pm) C. Late afternoon (4pm-7pm) D. Early evening (7pm-9pm) E. Late evening (9pm-11pm) F. All night (11pm-3am) TYPE: CL ID: Time Q: Please select the choice that best reflects your confidence in your Python programming abilities: A. Extremely confident B. Somewhat confident C. Somewhat unsure D. Still struggling TYPE: LS DISPLAY: COMPACT ID: Confidence