Session 1 Preparation
1. Videos/Reading with Quizzes in Moodle

Do all the items on this Preparation page BEFORE this session's scheduled class time.

  1. How CSSE 120 Works: Video [12:15]
    • The video will explain how you locate and take the associated quiz.
    • Parts of the video are no longer quite accurate, but it will do, I think.
  2. The Flipped Classroom: Video [4:43]
  3. Software Engineering, Software Development, and Programming Languages: Video [3:44]
  4. A First Program: Hello, World: Video [4:29]
    • There are no Moodle quizzes for this and the following videos.
    • Parts of the video are no longer quite accurate, but it will do, I think.
  5. Pair Programming: Video [2:51]
    • The video was developed by the folks at, a terrific site and organization.
    • You will often use Pair Programming in this course, starting in Session 1.
    • Pair Programming is a real-life technique, per the next item.
  6. Pair Programming as one of the techniques of Extreme Programming: Reading.
  7. CSSE 120 Computer Setup:
  8. [Optional] If you want to learn more about pair programming , you might find the following links interesting:
2. Preparation-Summary Quiz

AFTER doing all the Videos / Reading to the left, along with their associated quizzes in Moodle:

3. Get the starting code

Get the following and attach them into PyCharm, using the standard instructions for getting the Starting Code.