Session 10 Preparation: Videos/Reading, Start-the-Session Quiz, and Start-the-Session Follow-Me
Videos / Reading

BEFORE this session's scheduled class time, for each of the following videos or reading:

  • Step 1:   Watch the video (or read the reading).
  • Step 2:   As you do so, do the associated quiz in Moodle.
  • Step 3:   Get help on anything that is not clear to you.

Videos / Reading:

  1. Sequences: Video [8:43]
    • Do the Moodle quiz as you watch this video.
  2. The Last Item in a Sequence: Video [3:20]
    • Do the Moodle quiz as you watch this video.
  3. RANGE expressions: Reading.
    • Briefly review this document that you read in a previous Preparation.
    • It extends the 1-argument form that you know to the 2 and 3-argument forms.
    • There is a SINGLE Moodle quiz that is associated with BOTH this reading AND the next video.
  4. Iterating Through a Sequence: Video [11:35]
    • There is a SINGLE Moodle quiz that is associated with BOTH the above reading AND this video.
  5. Worms, Python and Ethics: Reading.
    • Read this fascinating and important excerpt from a textbook by Horstmann and Necaise.
    • Do the Moodle quiz as or after you complete this short reading.
Start-the-Session Quiz

AFTER completing the Preparation to the left:

  • Step 1:   Do this Start-the-Session Quiz.
    • You do not have to print the quiz (unless you want to).
    • Just hand-write your answers on paper or type your answers into a file, whichever is easier for you.
  • Step 2:   Check your own answers by watching the videos listed below.
    • Of course, do the quiz BEFORE checking its answers!
    • Check your answers carefully!
  • Step 3:   Turn in your answers to the Before-the-Session Quiz in the usual way, on Moodle, via the item named Turn in your Before-the-Session Quiz here.
  • Step 4:   Get help on anything that is not clear to you.

Videos with solutions to the Start-the-Session Quiz:

  1. There is no video solution for the quiz.:
    • Instead, check your work by using the answer key below.

For your reference, here is a written Answer Key to the above Start-the-Session Quiz.

Start-the-Session Follow-Me

AFTER completing the Start-the-Session Quiz to the left:

  • Step 1:   Open PyCharm and do   VCS ~ Update Project   to obtain the new in-class project if it is not already in your list of projects in PyCharm.
  • Step 2:   Watch the Follow-Me videos listed below, and as you watch each one:
  • Step 3:   Do the coding in PyCharm, following what you see on the video.
    • You can do the coding as the video does it or by reviewing the video afterwards (your choice).
    • The key is to UNDERSTAND what you are coding, not merely type what the video shows.

Follow-Me videos:

  1. Introduction of the ConceptMap class in module m7: Video [8:14]
    • Do NOT watch this video BEFORE Session 11.
    • Instead, watch it when you are ready to BEGIN implementing the ConceptMap class in module m7.
  2. Explanation of the TESTING used in module m4: Video [15:48]
    • Do NOT watch this video BEFORE Session 11.
    • Instead, watch it when you are ready to BEGIN doing the TODOs in module m4.