Session 5 Preparation: Videos/Reading, Start-the-Session Quiz, and Start-the-Session Follow-Me
Videos / Reading

BEFORE this session's scheduled class time, for each of the following videos or reading:

  • Step 1:   Watch the video (or read the reading).
  • Step 2:   As you do so, do the associated quiz in Moodle.
  • Step 3:   Get help on anything that is not clear to you.

Videos / Reading:

  1. Debugging: Good Practices to minimize the need for debugging: Video [12:07]
    • Being more adept at debugging (i.e., fixing errors in your programs) will be important for Exam 1 and beyond. The above video contains examples from topics that we have not yet discussed, but the debugging concepts apply to the work that you have done already. Focus on the debugging concepts and not on the specifics of the examples.
    • For reference, here is an OPTIONAL PowerPoint slide version of the Good Practices video. If you choose to view these slides, download and run this PowerPoint as a Slide Show, since it has animations.
    • This and all remaining items in this Videos/Reading section have a quiz associated with them on Moodle.
  2. Debugging: What to do when you get a run-time exception (error): Reading.
    • Download this PowerPoint presentation and run it as Slide Show since it has animations.
  3. Debugging: What to do when a test fails: Reading.
    • Download this PowerPoint presentation and run it as Slide Show since it has animations.
    • This PowerPoint presentation uses an example that is well beyond what you have seen so far; no worries, just concentrate on the debugging principles that it demonstrates.
Start-the-Session Quiz

AFTER completing the Preparation to the left:

  • Step 1:   Do this Start-the-Session Quiz.
    • You do not have to print the quiz (unless you want to).
    • Just hand-write your answers on paper or type your answers into a file, whichever is easier for you.
  • Step 2:   Check your own answers by watching the videos listed below.
    • Of course, do the quiz BEFORE checking its answers!
    • Check your answers carefully!
  • Step 3:   Turn in your answers to the Before-the-Session Quiz in the usual way, on Moodle, via the item named Turn in your Before-the-Session Quiz here.
  • Step 4:   Get help on anything that is not clear to you.

Videos with solutions to the Start-the-Session Quiz:

  1. Solutions to the Start-the-Session Quiz, Problems 1 through 5: Video [4:18]
  2. For Problem 6:
  3. For Problem 7:
    • Note the REQUIRED Admission Ticket as described in the Exam 1 information. You may NOT take Exam 1 unless you have completed the items in that Admission Ticket!
  4. Solutions to the Start-the-Session Quiz, Problem 8: Video [7:05]
  5. Solutions to the Start-the-Session Quiz, Problem 9: Video [11:59]
  6. Solutions to the Start-the-Session Quiz, Problem 10: Video [4:43]
    • Problems 8 through 10 in the Before-the-Session quiz are TERRIFIC practice for the Paper-and-Pencil portion of Exam 1. Be SURE that you understand their solutions, as presented in the above videos.

For your reference, here is a written Answer Key to the above Start-the-Session Quiz.

Start-the-Session Follow-Me

AFTER completing the Start-the-Session Quiz to the left:

  • Step 1:   Open PyCharm and do   VCS ~ Update Project   to obtain the new in-class project if it is not already in your list of projects in PyCharm.
  • Step 2:   Watch the Follow-Me videos listed below, and as you watch each one:
  • Step 3:   Do the coding in PyCharm, following what you see on the video.
    • You can do the coding as the video does it or by reviewing the video afterwards (your choice).
    • The key is to UNDERSTAND what you are coding, not merely type what the video shows.

Follow-Me videos:

  1. Note:
    • You might prefer to do some or all of these Follow-Me videos in class so that you can ask questions as desired during them.
    • Improving your debugging skills is critical for your success on Exam 1. These Follow-Me videos help you do that.
    • When the video asks you to pause the video, do something (per the video) in PyCharm, and then resume the video, be sure that you really do PAUSE the video, DO what the video asks you to try, and only then RESUME the video.
  2. For the m1 module of 05a-Debugging: Video [14:25]
  3. For the m2 module of 05a-Debugging: Video [16:25]
  4. For the m3 module of 05a-Debugging: Video [15:32]
  5. For the problem0 module of 05b-Exam1Practice: Video [24:15]