Exam 2 has two parts: Paper-and-Pencil and On-the-Computer
Paper-and-Pencil part
  1. What sort of questions should I expect?

    The Paper-and-Pencil portion of the exam contains problems in which you: (TBA)

    plus possibly other problems similar to the above.

    Here is a sample of the paper-and-pencil portion of Exam 2.

  2. What are its rules?

    The rules for BOTH parts apply, of course. Additionally:

    The ONLY external resource that you may use beyond those listed for both parts of the exam is a Hint Sheet, as follows:

    • Your Hint Sheet must be a single 8.5 x 11-inch sheet of paper, with whatever you want on it, typed or handwritten or a combination of the two.
    • You must have prepared your Hint Sheet before beginning the exam.
    • It is best if you create your own sheet (working with someone else is fine) as that will probably maximize both your learning and your score on the exam.
    • If (and ONLY if) you lack access to a printer, you may create an electronic document that is the equivalent of the above sheet of paper and you may access that document while taking the exam.
  3. Taking the Paper-and-Pencil part:
    • You do the Paper-and-Pencil part first.
    • When done, turn it in by handing it to the proctor in the room.
    • Most students spend about 45 minutes on the Paper-and-Pencil part.
    • You may NOT return to the Paper-and-Pencil part after beginning the On-the-Computer part.
On-the-Computer part
  1. What sort of questions should I expect?

    The On-the-Computer portion of the exam contains problems just like the ones you have done in your PyCharm exercises. Concepts that will be assessed include (but are not limited to): TBA.

  2. What are its rules?

    The rules for BOTH parts apply, of course.

    Additionally, for the On-the-Computer part, you may use any of the following:

    • Any written material you choose to bring to the exam: books, handouts, notes, etc.
      • Please organize any handouts you bring so that they are not spilling over into a neighbor’s workspace.
    • Your computer and anything on it, including (but not limited to) your own code from previous PyCharm projects.
    • Your own Git repositories on the gitter server.
    • Anything in our course's Moodle site.
    • Anything directly reachable from the CSSE 120 Home Page (including but not limited to the Session Preparation pages, the course Piazza site, and the official Python documentation).
    • You may NOT use any search engine (like Google)
  3. Taking the On-the-Computer part:
    • You begin the On-the-Computer part after turning in the Paper-and-Pencil part.
    • You get the On-the-Computer part as usual, by doing VCS ~ Update Project in PyCharm.
    • Commit-and-push frequently, but AT LEAST every time that you continue to another module.
    • Turn in the On-the-Computer part in the same way you have turned in other PyCharm projects:
      1. Commit-and-push your final version.
      2. In Moodle, turn in ALL the files in your src folder in the usual way.