""" The practice problems in m1_exam2_practice let you practice all the patterns you have seen regarding sequences. For each problem, FIRST decide which PATTERN(S) are appropriate to the problem, then apply the ideas as needed to the particular problem. There is one problem that requires a version of the "find-best" pattern that you have NOT yet seen. It differs from all previous find-best problems that you have done in the following respect: Previously, you could always start the "best found so far" as the item at index 0 of the sequence. You then loop through the remaining items, comparing each to the "best found so far", and updating the "best found so far" whenever you find a new "best" one. In practice1h of m1_exam2_practice, the loop works the same way. However, you CANNOT start the "best found so far" as the item at index 0, because (in this problem) the item at index 0 is not guaranteed to be a candidate for "best". (See the problem for details.) One solution is to write a PRELIMINARY loop that looks for a CANDIDATE "best". If no candidate exists, then return the value that the problem asks you to return in that case. But if a candidate exists, you can set the "best found so far" to that candidate, and then continue into the 2nd loop as with the previous "find best" problems. Get help from your instructor or student assistants if you get to practice1h and this does not make sense to you. """