""" Demonstrates using (calling) STRING methods, and using the DOT trick to discover them. Authors: David Mutchler, Yiji Zhang, Mark Hays, Derek Whitley, Vibha Alangar, Matt Boutell, Dave Fisher, Sriram Mohan, Mohammed Noureddine, Amanda Stouder, Curt Clifton, Valerie Galluzzi, their colleagues and PUT_YOUR_NAME_HERE. """ # TODO: 1. PUT YOUR NAME IN THE ABOVE LINE. def main(): """ Tests the other functions in this module, by running them. """ strings_1("help me Edgar") print("The above should have printed:") print("hZlp mZ Zdgar") print() strings_1("Ello, here be eeees and ZEEZEE.") print("The above should have printed:") print("Zllo, hZrZ bZ ZZZZs and zZZzZZ.") print() strings_1("abcdef ABCDEF") print("The above should have printed:") print("abcdZf abcdZf") print() strings_2("do THIS in title mode!") print("The above should have printed:") print("Do This In Title Mode!") print() strings_2("Hey xxx: who isxxx?") print("The above should have printed:") print("Hey Siri: Who Issiri?") print() strings_2("OK xx xxxx Sirixxxsiri.") print("The above should have printed:") print("Ok Xx Sirix Sirisirisiri.") print() def strings_1(string): """ Prints the given string, but with: -- All characters converted to lower case, and then -- Each occurrence of e replaced by Z. For example: strings_1("help me Edgar") prints hZlp mZ strings_1("Hello, here be eeees.") prints HZllo, hZrZ bZ ZZZZs. Type hints: :type string: str """ ########################################################################### # TODO: 2. Implement and test this function, per its doc-string above. # Use the appropriate string methods to implement the function. # Tests are already written for you in main above. # _ # To discover the appropriate string methods, temporarily type # "". # (note the dot!) and use the so-called DOT TRICK, seeing what you find. ########################################################################### def strings_2(string): """ Prints the given string, but with: -- Each occurrence of xxx replaced by Siri, and then -- The string printed in "title" mode. For example: strings_2("do THIS in title mode!") prints Do This In Title Mode! strings_2("Hey xxx: who isxxx?") prints Hey Siri: Who Issiri? strings_2("OK xx xxxx Sirixxxsiri.") prints Ok Xx Sirix Sirisirisiri. Type hints: :type string: str """ ########################################################################### # TODO: 3. Implement and test this function, per its doc-string above. # Use the appropriate string methods to implement the function. # Tests are already written for you in main above. # _ # To discover the appropriate string methods, temporarily type # "". # (note the dot!) and use the so-called DOT TRICK, seeing what you find. ########################################################################### # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Calls main to start the ball rolling. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- main()