import pygame class Fighter: def __init__(self, screen: pygame.Surface, speed=5): self.screen = screen self.image = pygame.image.load("fighter.png") # Fighter starts centered horizontally near the bottom of screen. self.x = (self.screen.get_width() - self.image.get_width()) // 2 self.y = self.screen.get_height() - self.image.get_height() - 5 self.speed = speed def draw(self): self.screen.blit(self.image, (self.x, self.y)) def move_left(self): # print("left") # Only for testing if self.x > -self.image.get_width() / 2: self.x = self.x - self.speed def move_right(self): # print("right") # Only for testing if self.x < self.screen.get_width() - self.image.get_width() / 2: self.x = self.x + self.speed