In this file: 1. Explain briefly what your project does and how it works. [PUT YOUR ANSWER HERE, using as many lines as you need.] 2. List the names of the classes in your project, identifying who was the primary author for each. [PUT YOUR ANSWER HERE, using as many lines as you need.] 3. List the essential and other features of your game, identifying who was the primary author for each. [PUT YOUR ANSWER HERE, using as many lines as you need.] 4. List the modules (libraries) that you used (the things in IMPORT statements). [PUT YOUR ANSWER HERE, using as many lines as you need.] 5. List the sources for all media items (graphics, music, etc) that are not your own. [PUT YOUR ANSWER HERE, using as many lines as you need.] 6. [Optional] Add anything here that would help us assess your project fairly, beyond what you already said/showed in your video. [PUT YOUR ANSWER HERE, using as many lines as you need.]