import pygame, sys import math def distance(point1, point2): point1_x = point1[0] point2_x = point2[0] point1_y = point1[1] point2_y = point2[1] # TODO 4: Return the actual distance between point 1 and point 2. # Hint: you will need the math library for the sqrt function. # distance = sqrt( (delta x) ** 2 + (delta y) ** 2 ) return 0 def main(): pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((400, 400)) pygame.display.set_caption("Mouse click positions") font = pygame.font.Font(None, 25) # TODO 8: Load the "drums.wav" file into the pygame music mixer instruction_text = 'Click in the circle' text_color = (222, 222, 0) instructions_image = font.render(instruction_text, True, text_color) circle_color = (154, 58, 212) circle_center = (screen.get_width() // 2, screen.get_height() // 2) circle_radius = 50 circle_border_width = 3 message_text = '' while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() # TODO 2: For a MOUSEBUTTONDOWN event get the click position. # TODO 3: Determine the distance between the click position and the circle_center using the distance # TODO 3: function and save the result into a variable called distance_from_circle # TODO 5: If distance_from_circle is less than or equal to circle_radius, set message_text to 'Bullseye!' # TODO 5: If distance_from_circle is greater than the circle_radius, set the message_text to 'You missed!' # TODO 9: Start playing the music mixer looping forever if the click is within the circle # TODO 10: Stop playing the music if the click is outside the circle screen.fill(pygame.Color("Black")) # TODO 1: Draw the circle using the screen, circle_color, circle_center, circle_radius, and circle_border_width # TODO 6: Create a text image (render the text) based on the message_text with the color (122, 237, 201) screen.blit(instructions_image, (25, 25)) # TODO 7: Draw (blit) the message to the user that says 'Bullseye!' or 'You missed!' pygame.display.update() main()