""" Use this module to run code that should run on your ROBOT. ALWAYS run THIS module for robot code, NOT the ones in any of the SUB-FOLDERS. """ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # IMPORTANT: Do NOT commit this module, since doing so may lead to CONFLICTS # with how TEAMMATES are using this module to test THEIR code. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import labs.lab1a_drive_system as lab1a import labs.lab1b_drive_system as lab1b import labs.lab2a_touch_sensor as lab2a import labs.lab2b_arm_and_claw as lab2b import labs.lab3a_leds as lab3a import labs.lab3b_brick_buttons as lab3b import labs.lab4_read_sensors as lab4 import time def main(): """ Runs the TEST functions. """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Un-comment the appropriate line below for what YOU want to TEST. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # lab1a.main() # lab1b.main() # lab2a.main() # lab2b.main() # lab3a.main() # lab3b.main() lab4.main() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Calls main to start the ball rolling. # The try .. except prevents error messages on the console from being # intermingled with ordinary output to the console. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- try: main() except Exception: print('ERROR - While running this test,') print('your code raised the following exception:') print() time.sleep(1) raise