""" THROW-AWAY Capstone Project. Code to run on a LAPTOP (NOT the robot). Displays the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and communicates with the robot. Authors: Your professors (for the framework) and PUT_YOUR_NAME_HERE. Fall term, 2019-2020. """ # TODO 1: Put your name in the above. import tkinter from tkinter import ttk import m2_laptop_code as m2 import m3_laptop_code as m3 import m4_laptop_code as m4 def get_my_frame(root): """ Constructs and returns a ttk.Frame with all my GUI widgets on it. :type root: tkinter.Tk """ # TODO: Construct your frame, putting it on the root. # Put, onto your frame, a label that states your name: # TODO: Put the rest of your GUI onto your frame # (using sub-frames if you wish): # TODO: Return your frame: # TODO: Add functions here as needed.