""" The goal of this module is to again use the rosebot library, but with a motor Authors: David Mutchler, Vibha Alangar, Dave Fisher, and PUT_YOUR_NAME_HERE. """ # TODO: 1. PUT YOUR NAME IN THE ABOVE LINE. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: 2. Add an IMPORT like like that in the previous module, that is: # import rosebot_ev3dev_api as rose_ev3 # Then open the file that is imported and search for the Motor class # so that you can understand what it does. ASK QUESTIONS AS DESIRED. # Change the above _TODO_ to DONE when you know how to: # -- Construct a Motor object that is connected to a robot wheel/tread. # -- Make the Motor turn on. # -- Make the Motor turn off. # -- Use time.sleep(...) to provide time during which the Motor(s) turn # and hence the robot moves. # (The code below may help you understand these.) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import time def main(): # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: 3. Create a Motor object connected to Port C # (that is, connected to the Large Motor that controls the RIGHT # motor/wheel/tread) by examining the code below for the LEFT # motor/wheel/tread and doing similarly for the RIGHT motor/wheel/tread. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- left_motor = rose_ev3.Motor("B") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: 4. Modify the example code below to make the robot move # in some interesting way (using the motors), perhaps # following the circumference of a circle or driving in a square. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- print("Look at your EV3 robot -->") input("Press the ENTER key when ready for the robot to start moving.") for k in range(3): left_motor.turn_on(30) time.sleep(3) left_motor.turn_on(80) time.sleep(0.5) left_motor.turn_off() time.sleep(2) print("Goodbye") main()