""" The goal of this module is to practice using the rosebot_ev3dev_api library (API), aka rose_ev3. Authors: David Mutchler, Vibha Alangar, Dave Fisher, and PUT_YOUR_NAME_HERE. """ # TODO: 1. PUT YOUR NAME IN THE ABOVE LINE. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: 2. As usual when there is a file of "library" code (here, the # rosebot_ev3dev_api.py file), Right-Click on the src folder # and select Mark Directory As -> Sources Root. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: 3. Uncomment the IMPORT line below (the one that is commented-out). # Then open the file that is imported and search for the Led class # so that you can understand what it does. ASK QUESTIONS AS DESIRED. # Change the above _TODO_ to DONE when you know how to: # -- Construct a Led object for a LED on the robot. # -- Set the color of the LED. # -- Turn the LED off. # (The code below may help you understand these.) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # import rosebot_ev3dev_api as rose_ev3 import time def main(): # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: 4. Create a Led object for the RIGHT LED by examining the code # below for the LEFT LED and doing similarly for the RIGHT LED. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- left_led = rose_ev3.Led("left") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: 5. Modify the example code below to make something interesting # happen with the left and right LEDs. Perhaps police lights or ... # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- print("Look at your EV3 robot -->") for k in range(10): left_led.set_color("red") time.sleep(0.25) left_led.turn_off() time.sleep(0.25) left_led.set_color("green") print("Goodbye") main()