This folder has practice problems for the Paper-and-Pencil part of your upcoming exam, along with links to answers.

For the Paper-and-Pencil part of the exam, the only external resource that you may use is THREE (one-sided) 8.5 x 11 sheets of paper, with whatever you want on them (printed or handwritten).

The exam will assess your ability to trace by hand code that includes:

The relevant problems in the attached PDFS are problems 2, 3 and 6 of the attached Exam3_Paper_and_Pencil_SAMPLE_EXAM.pdf and the sole problem in AnotherPracticeProblem.pdf.

See the recording of our Class Meeting on April 1 for a solution to two of the above problems.

Here is a link to a video in which an instructor works through all of the Answers to the Sample Exam 1 - Paper-and-Pencil part.