import paho.mqtt.client as paho_mqtt import time class Broker(object): def __init__(self, hostname="", tcp_port=1883, web_socket_port=8000): self.hostname = hostname self.tcp_port = tcp_port self.web_socket_port = web_socket_port def __repr__(self): return "Hostname {} at ports {} and {}".format( self.hostname, self.tcp_port, self.web_socket_port) class Receiver(object): def __init__(self, controller): self.controller = controller def message_received(self, message): print("I have received the following message:") print(" --", message) self.controller.act_on_message_received(message) class Sender(object): def __init__(self, receiver, who_am_i): unique_id = "mutchler" if who_am_i == 1: self.sender = SenderReceiver(unique_id, "one", "two", receiver) else: self.sender = SenderReceiver(unique_id, "two", "one", receiver) def send_message(self, message): self.sender.send_message(message) class SenderReceiver(object, controller): def __init__(self, unique_id, subscriber_topic_suffix, publisher_topic_suffix, receiver, broker=None): self.controller = controller self.subscription_topic_name = unique_id + "/" + subscriber_topic_suffix self.publish_topic_name = unique_id + "/" + publisher_topic_suffix self.receiver = receiver if not broker: broker = Broker() = broker self.has_two_way_connection = False self.client = paho_mqtt.Client() self._try_to_connect() self._wait_for_two_way_connection() def send_message(self, message): """ Send the given message to the Broker. :type message str """ if not isinstance(message, str): print("You tried to send a message that is NOT a string.") print("All messages MUST be strings.") self.close() print() print("I am sending (i.e. publishing) the following message:") print(" --", message) self.client.publish(self.publish_topic_name, message) def _try_to_connect(self): print("I am trying to connect to the following mqtt broker:") print(" --",, "...") self.client.on_connect = self._on_connect self.client.message_callback_add(self.subscription_topic_name, self._on_message) self.client.connect(,, self.client.loop_start() def _wait_for_two_way_connection(self): while True: if self.has_two_way_connection: break time.sleep(0.1) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _on_connect(self, client, userdata, flags, rc): if rc == 0: print("OK, connected!") else: print("Error connecting! Return code was:", rc) print("Exiting the program!") exit() print("I am now publishing to topic:", self.publish_topic_name) self.client.on_subscribe = self._on_subscribe self.client.subscribe(self.subscription_topic_name) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _on_subscribe(self, client, userdata, mid, granted_qos): print("I am now subscribed to topic:", self.subscription_topic_name) self.has_two_way_connection = True # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _on_message(self, client, userdata, msg): message = msg.payload.decode() if not self.receiver: print("You MUST have supplied a Receiver") print("when you constructed this SenderReceiver.") print("You did NOT do so, it seems!") print("Exiting the program!") exit() try: self.receiver.message_received(message) except TypeError: print("Your Receiver MUST have a 'message_received' method") print("with one parameter (namely, the message received).") print("Your Receiver does NOT have such a method!") print("Exiting the program!") exit()