""" This module lets you practice DEBUGGING when RUN-TIME EXCEPTIONS occur. Authors: David Mutchler, Vibha Alangar, Dave Fisher, Matt Boutell, Mark Hays, Mohammed Noureddine, Sana Ebrahimi, Sriram Mohan, their colleagues and PUT_YOUR_NAME_HERE. """ # TODO: 1. PUT YOUR NAME IN THE ABOVE LINE. import rosegraphics as rg ############################################################################### # # TODO: 2. READ these instructions, ASKING QUESTIONS as needed. # # This module contains 7 "broken" functions. # # For each broken function, running it will generate what's called # an EXCEPTION -- an error that occurs when the program runs and # (left to itself) causes the program to end its execution. # # We have written tests for each broken function. # *** DO NOT MODIFY THE TESTS. *** # In fact, you do not even need to read the tests. # Instead, look at the file m1_pictures.pdf to see what output # the tests should generate. # # To do this exercise, do the following: # # Step 1: # -- Read the doc-string (but NOT the code) of the broken_1 function. # -- Look at the m1_pictures.pdf file # to see what output the tests should produce. # -- ASK QUESTIONS AS NEEDED until you understand the specification # of the broken_1 function. # # Step 2: Run this module. # You will see that the code "breaks" and prints on the Console: # -- a STACK TRACEBACK of the code that led to the exception # -- an error message that attempts to explain the exception # Right-click in the Console and select "Word Wrap" to make # the stack traceback and error message more readable. # # Step 3: READ the error message. Try to make sense of it. # ASK QUESTIONS AS NEEDED! # # Step 4: Click on the BOTTOM blue link in the Console. # It will take you to the line at which the code broke. # (BUT if the line refers to a line in rosegraphics.py, # work your way UP the blue links until you reach # the lowermost one that refers to a line in THIS module.) # # Step 5: Looking at the line at which the code broke, # figure out what the error message is telling you. # ASK QUESTIONS AS NEEDED! # # Step 6: Thinking about the green specification of the broken_1 # function, and thinking about what the error message tells you, # correct the mistake(s). # # Sometimes the mistake will be on the line at which the code broke, # sometimes at a line that executed before that line executed. # # After correcting the mistake(s), run the program again. # Continue until you believe that the broken_1 function produces # the correct output (per the m1_pictures.pdf file) # AND you believe that the code for the function is correct. # # ** IMPORTANT: ** # Resist the urge to "fiddle" with the code until you stumble # upon something that works. This exercise will be helpful # to you ONLY if you use it as an opportunity to learn # what the error messages mean and how to react to them. # # *** ASK QUESTIONS AS NEEDED! *** # # Once you have corrected the broken_1 function, continue to # the next function, again proceeding according to the above steps. # # When you believe you understand these instructions, # change the above TO DO to DONE. # ############################################################################### def main(): """ Calls the TEST functions in this module. """ run_test_all() ############################################################################### # Students: Do NOT change the following tests. # There are NO errors in the TESTS. ############################################################################### def run_test_all(): """ Tests ALL the functions in this module. """ # Test broken_1: window = rg.RoseWindow(title='Testing BROKEN_1') circle1 = rg.Circle(rg.Point(50, 50), 15) circle1.fill_color = 'blue' broken_1(circle1, window) # Test 1 of broken_1 circle2 = rg.Circle(rg.Point(70, 150), 30) circle2.fill_color = 'red' broken_1(circle2, window) # Test 2 of broken_1 window.close_on_mouse_click() # Test broken_2: window = rg.RoseWindow(title='Testing BROKEN_2') broken_2(50, 75, window) # Test 1 of broken_2 broken_2(100, 150, window) # Test 2 of broken_2 window.close_on_mouse_click() # Test broken_3: window = rg.RoseWindow(title='Testing BROKEN_3') broken_3(5, rg.Point(100, 50), 80, 20, window) # Test 1 of broken_3 broken_3(3, rg.Point(50, 150), 40, 50, window) # Test 2 of broken_3 window.close_on_mouse_click() # Test broken_4: window = rg.RoseWindow(title='Testing BROKEN_4') broken_4(50, 75, 40, window) # Test 1 of broken_4 broken_4(100, 150, 75, window) # Test 2 of broken_4 window.close_on_mouse_click() # Test broken_5: window = rg.RoseWindow(title='Testing BROKEN_5') circle = rg.Circle(rg.Point(100, 50), 30) circle.fill_color = 'pink' broken_5(circle, window) # Test 1 of broken_5 circle = rg.Circle(rg.Point(250, 100), 80) circle.fill_color = 'red' broken_5(circle, window) # Test 2 of broken_5 window.close_on_mouse_click() # Test broken_6: expected = 1.8333333 actual = broken_6(3) # Test 1 of broken_6 print("Testing BROKEN_6:\n") print('Expected for BROKEN_6, Test 1:', expected, '(approximately)') print(' Actual for BROKEN_6, Test 1:', actual) expected = 5.1873775 actual = broken_6(100) # Test 2 of broken_6 print() print('Expected for BROKEN_6, Test 2:', expected, '(approximately)') print(' Actual for BROKEN_6, Test 2:', actual) print() # Test broken_7: window = rg.RoseWindow(title='Testing BROKEN_7') broken_7(5, rg.Point(100, 50), 80, 20, window) # Test 1 of broken_7 broken_7(3, rg.Point(50, 150), 40, 50, window) # Test 2 of broken_7 window.close_on_mouse_click() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: 3. Follow the INSTRUCTIONS AT THE TOP OF THIS MODULE # to correct the mistake(s) in the following function. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def broken_1(circle, window): """ What comes in: an rg.Circle and an rg.RoseWindow. What goes out: Nothing (i.e., None). Side effects: Draws the given rg.Circle on the given rg.RoseWindow, then draws another rg.Circle whose RADIUS is TWICE that of the given rg.Circle and whose center is the same as that of the given rg.Circle. Must ** render ** but ** NOT close ** the window. Type hints: :type circle: rg.Circle :type window: rg.RoseWindow """ circle.attach_to(window) circle2 = rg.Circle(circle.radius * 2) circle2.attach_to(window) window.render() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: 4. Follow the INSTRUCTIONS AT THE TOP OF THIS MODULE # to correct the mistake(s) in the following function. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def broken_2(x, y, window): """ What comes in: Positive integers x and y, and an rg.RoseWindow. What goes out: Nothing (i.e., None). Side effects: Draws a rg.Circle with radius 33, centered at (x, y), on the given rg.RoseWindow. Must ** render ** but ** NOT close ** the window. Type hints: :type x: int :type y: int :type window: rg.RoseWindow """ circle = rg.Circle((x, y), 33) circle.attach_to(window) window.render() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: 5. Follow the INSTRUCTIONS AT THE TOP OF THIS MODULE # to correct the mistake(s) in the following function. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def broken_3(n, point, length, distance_between_lines, window): """ What comes in: The four arguments are: -- A positive integer n. -- An rg.Point. -- A positive integer length. -- An rg.RoseWindow. What goes out: Nothing (i.e., None). Side effects: Draws n vertical rg.Lines on the given rg.RoseWindow, where the leftmost rg.Line has the given point as its topmost point and all the rg.Lines have the given length and they are the given distance apart. Each line is drawn with a 0.5 second pause after drawing it. Must ** render ** but ** NOT close ** the window. Type hints: :type n: int :type point: rg.Point :type length: int :type distance_between_lines: int :type window: rg.RoseWindow """ a = rg.Point(point.x, point.y) b = rg.Point(point.x, point.y + length) for _ in range(n): line = rg.Line(a, b) line.attach_to(window) window.render(0.5) b = b + distance_between_lines # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: 6. Follow the INSTRUCTIONS AT THE TOP OF THIS MODULE # to correct the mistake(s) in the following function. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def broken_4(x, y, radius, window): """ What comes in: Positive integers x and y, and an rg.RoseWindow. What goes out: Nothing (i.e., None). Side effects: Draws a green-filled rg.Circle with the given radius, centered at (x, y), on the given rg.RoseWindow Must ** render ** but ** NOT close ** the window. Type hints: :type x: int :type y: int :type radius: int :type window: rg.RoseWindow """ circle = rg.Circle(rg.Point(x, y), 'radius') circle.fill_color = 'green' circle.attach_to(window) window.render() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: 7. Follow the INSTRUCTIONS AT THE TOP OF THIS MODULE # to correct the mistake(s) in the following function. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def broken_5(circle, window): """ What comes in: an rg.Circle and an rg.RoseWindow. What goes out: Nothing (i.e., None). Side effects: Draws the given rg.Circle and an rg.Square that circumscribes it, both on the given rg.RoseWindow. Must ** render ** but ** NOT close ** the window. Type hints: :type circle: rg.Circle :type window: rg.RoseWindow """ circle.attach_to(window) square = rg.Square(circle.center) square.outline_color = circle.fill_color square.attach_to(window) window.render() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: 8. Follow the INSTRUCTIONS AT THE TOP OF THIS MODULE # to correct the mistake(s) in the following function. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def broken_6(n): """ What comes in: A positive integer n. What goes out: Returns the sum: 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/n. Side effects: None. """ total = 0 for k in range(n + 1): total = total + 1 / k return total # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: 9. Follow the INSTRUCTIONS AT THE TOP OF THIS MODULE # to correct the mistake(s) in the following function. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def broken_7(n, point, length, distance_between_lines, window): """ What comes in: The four arguments are: -- A positive integer n. -- An rg.Point. -- A positive integer for the length of each line. -- A positive integer for the distance between lines. -- An rg.RoseWindow. What goes out: Nothing (i.e., None). Side effects: Draws n horizontal rg.Lines on the given rg.RoseWindow, where the topmost rg.Line has the given point as its leftmost point and all the rg.Lines have the given length and they are the given distance apart. Each line is drawn with a 0.5 second pause after drawing it. Must ** render ** but ** NOT close ** the window. Type hints: :type n: int :type point: rg.Point :type length: int :type distance_between_lines: int :type window: rg.RoseWindow """ left = rg.Point(point.x, point.y) right = rg.Point(point.x + length, point.y) for _ in range(n): line = rg.Line(left, right) line.attach_to(window) window.render(0.5) left = rg.Point(left.x, left.y + distance_between_lines) right = rg.Point(right.x, right.y + distance_between_lines) window.close_on_mouse_click() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Calls main to start the ball rolling. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- main()