""" This module lets you practice correcting SYNTAX (notation) errors. Authors: David Mutchler, Vibha Alangar, Dave Fisher, Matt Boutell, Mark Hays, Mohammed Noureddine, Sana Ebrahimi, Sriram Mohan, their colleagues and PUT_YOUR_NAME_HERE. """ # TODO: 1. PUT YOUR NAME IN THE ABOVE LINE. ############################################################################### # TODO: 2. # Locate the syntax (notation) errors in this file # by looking for red underlines. # _ # For each error, try to make sense of its message. # -- HOVER and/or expand as needed -- ** make SURE you see the message! ** # _ # Then fix the errors, one by one. IMPORTANT: # -- Fixing one error may bring up additional errors # (after a few seconds or when you run or save the module). # -- Each time, fix the error that is nearest the TOP of the module, # although sometimes that fix does not "take effect" # until you have fixed major errors beneath it. # -- Often the SOURCE of the error may be on the line # just BEFORE the line with a red underline. # -- New errors may appear during the RUN of the module. # _ # Finish this _TODO_ by RUNNING the corrected program # and making sure that it RUNS CORRECTLY. # That is, make sure that (per the green doc-strings) the program # prints two calculated values and makes a SimpleTurtle do some things. ############################################################################### import rosegraphics as rg def main(): """ Calls the other functions in this module to demo them. """ print_math() tutle_fn() def print_math: """ Prints some calculated values. """ x = cos(pi) print(x) y = sin(pi) print(The sine of PI is, y) def turtle_fun(): """ Constructs a TurtleWindow, constructs a classic SimpleTurtle and asks it to do some things, and waits for the user to click anywhere in the window to close it. """ window = rg.TurtleWindow() alan = rg.SimpleTurtle() alan.pen = rg.Pen('blue', 30) alan.paint_bucket = rg.PaintBucket('yellow') alan.back(3 * (47 + 16) al.begin_fill() alan.circle(25) alan.end_fill() forward(200) window.close_on_mouse_click() ############################################################################### # TODO: 3. # All professional code must meet the STANDARDS of the organization (company). # For us, we will use the widely-used PEP 8 standard. # AFTER you have corrected the errors in the above, # do Code ~ Reformat Code # It will try to correct any remaining PEP 8 style violations. # (Note: It generally corrects some PEP 8 errors but not all.) # _ # When finished, COMMIT-and-PUSH your work, as always. ############################################################################### # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Calls main to start the ball rolling. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- main()