""" An exercise that summarizes what you have learned in this Session. Authors: David Mutchler, Vibha Alangar, Dave Fisher, Matt Boutell, Mark Hays, Mohammed Noureddine, Sana Ebrahimi, Sriram Mohan, their colleagues and PUT_YOUR_NAME_HERE. """ ############################################################################### # TODO: 1. # On Line 6 above, replace PUT_YOUR_NAME_HERE with your own name. ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # TODO: 2. # Write code that accomplishes the following (and ONLY the following), # in the order listed: # _ # - Constructs a SimpleTurtle with a "blue" Pen. # - Makes the SimpleTurtle go straight UP 200 pixels. # - Makes the SimpleTurtle lift its pen UP # (so that the next movements do NOT leave a "trail") # HINT: Use the "dot trick" to figure out how to do this. # - Makes the SimpleTurtle go to the Point at (100, -40). # - Makes the SimpleTurtle put its pen DOWN # (so that the next movements will return to leaving a "trail"). # - Makes the SimpleTurtle's pen have color "green" and thickness 10. # - Makes the SimpleTurtle go 150 pixels straight DOWN. # _ # Don't forget to: # - import rosegraphics and # - construct a TurtleWindow # [remember the required PARENTHESES for constructing an object!] # at the BEGINNING of your code, and to # - ask your TurtleWindow to close_on_mouse_click # as the LAST line of your code. (Again, parentheses needed!) # See the beginning and end of m5e_loopy_turtles for an example. # _ # As always, test by running the module. # As always, COMMIT-and-PUSH when you are done with this module. ###############################################################################