############################################################################### # # This line is a COMMENT -- a note to human readers of this file. # When the Python interpreter RUNS (i.e. EXECUTES) a program, it ignores # everything from a # (hash) mark to the end of the line with the # mark. # # We call files that have Python code in them MODULES. # Line 15 of this module (look at it now) prints (displays) the STRING # Hello, World # on the Run window. # # Anything surrounded by quote marks (single or double) is a STRING. # ############################################################################### print("Hello, World") ############################################################################### # TODO: 1. # (Yes, that means for YOU to DO things per these instructions:) # _ # Run this module by right clicking anywhere in this window # and selecting # Run 'name of file' # Or, use the keyboard shortcut: Control + Shift + Function-F10. # _ # After running, find the Run window and confirm that # Hello, World # did indeed get printed (displayed) on that window. ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # TODO: 2. # Notice the small horizontal BLUE bars on the scrollbar-like thing # on the right. Each blue bar indicates a thing "to do" in this module. # _ # a. You can use the blue bars to go from one _TODO_ to the next # by clicking on the blue bars. ** Try that now. ** # _ # b. When you have completed a _TODO_, you should change the word # _TODO_ (ignore the underscores on this line) # to # DONE # Try it now on line 18 above, and note that its blue bar on the # scrollbar-like thing to the right goes away soon thereafter. # _ # If you change each _TODO_ to DONE like this, you can tell when you # have finished all the exercises in a module -- there will be no # blue bars left on the scrollbar-like thing to the right. # _ # You have now completed _TODO_ #2, so change its _TODO_ on line 32 to DONE # (and likewise for all forthcoming TODOs in this course). ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # TODO: 3. # Add another print statement below this comment. # It should print any string that you want (but keep it polite and G-rated!) # _ # Test your code by re-running this module, either by proceeding # as you did when you ran this module the first time, # or by pressing the green rightward-pointing triangle # that is the "Play" button on the toolbar at the top of this window. # Look at the Run window to be sure that your string printed as expected. ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # TODO: 4. # Add yet another print statement, putting it below this comment. # This one should print the *product* of 3,607 and 34,227. # Let the computer do the arithmetic for you (no calculators!). # You do NOT have to use strings for this, so no quotation marks! # _ # TEST your code by re-running this module, then asking someone # whom you trust: # What number did your print display for this _TODO_? # (HINT: It is an INTERESTING number.) Get help if your value is wrong. ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # TODO: 5. # Look at the list of files in the Project window (to the left). # Note that this file: # m2_todo_and_commit_push.py # is now displayed in BLUE (or the color you may have set for changed files). # _ # The BLUE font color means that you have made changes to this file which # have not yet been COMMITTED to version control and PUSHED to the cloud. # _ # COMMIT and PUSH your work by: # 1. Select VCS from the menu bar (above). # 2. Choose Commit from the pull-down menu that appears. # 3a. In the Commit Changes window that pops up: # - Just this once, type a short message in the # Commit Message # sub-box, e.g. "Done." # It truly does not matter what message you put (but it WILL matter # when you work with teammates later in the course). Subsequent # commits will auto-apply whatever message you use this time. # 3b: In that same Commit Changes window that pops up: # - Press the Commit and Push button. # (Note: If you see only a Commit button: # - HOVER over the Commit button # (in the lower-right corner of the window) # - CLICK on Commit and Push.) # _ # COMMIT adds the changed work to the version control system # on your COMPUTER. PUSH adds the changed work into your # repository in the "cloud". # _ # Always PUSH (in addition to the COMMIT) so that your work # is backed-up in the cloud. If you COMMIT but forget to PUSH, # you can subsequently do the PUSH by: # VCS ~ Git ~ Push... # _ # Oh, one more thing: # Do you have any blue bars on the scrollbar-like thing to the # right? If so, click on each blue bar and change its _TODO_ to # DONE and then run the module (to make sure you did not break # anything) and COMMIT-and-PUSH again. # _ # You can COMMIT-and-PUSH as often as you like. # DO IT FREQUENTLY; AT LEAST once per module. ###############################################################################