############################################################################### # # Do this WITH YOUR INSTRUCTOR (live in class): # # Read the code below. Predict (in your head) # what will get printed (i.e., displayed) when the code runs. # # Then run this module by right clicking anywhere in this window # and then selecting: # Run 'name of file' # (i.e. Run 'm1e_comments_strings...') Or, use the Windows keyboard # shortcut: Control + Shift + Function-F10. (That is, hold the # Control, Shift and Function keys down and press the F10 key.) # # Confirm that you see the output in the "Run" window that appears. # Note: I recommend that you click on the "Gear" symbol at the top-right # part of that window and select # Move to ~ Right Top # to make the output easier to see. # Confirm that the output is what you expected, asking questions as desired. # # This module is just an example (m1e, note the e ). # After you have read and run the code, # feel free to play with it briefly, then move on to m2. # ############################################################################### print("Hello, World") print("hi there") print("one", "two", "buckle my shoe") print(3 + 9) print("3 + 9", "versus", 3 + 9)