import unittest import importlib.util import subversion_helperOLD as svn def main(): # svn.start(16) t = StandardTester('Session16_Test2_201430', 'm4', file_with_tests='') results = print_results(results) def print_results(results): for result in results: if result.wasSuccessful(): print('{:8}: OK'.format(result.student)) else: print('{:8} ERRORS: {}'.format(result.student, result.errors)) print('{:8} FAILURES: {}'.format(result.student, result.failures)) for subtest in result.subtest_results: if subtest[0] == 'PASSED_TEST': continue print('{:8} FAILED {:9}: {}'.format(result.student, subtest[2][0], subtest)) class Tester(): """ Base class for testing student code. """ def __init__(self, project, module_name=None, students=None): if type(project) is int: self.project_name = self.get_project_name(project) else: self.project_name = project if not module_name: self.module_name = 'm1' # FIXME # FIXME, make a list of ALL non-e modules in project else: self.module_name = module_name # FIXME: eventually a list if not students: self.students_to_test = svn.get_usernames_from_rosters() else: self.students_to_test = students # FIXME: Get next few from DATA. self.solution = svn.get_grading_folder(svn.SOLUTION_USERNAME, self.project_name) def get_project_name(self, project): # FIXME. return 'Session16_Test2_201430' def initialize_tests(self): # Override in subclass. pass def run(self): self.initialize_tests() results = [] for student in self.students_to_test: print() print('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!') print('TESTING:', student) print('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!') result = self.run_test(student) result.student = student # Extend on the fly results.append(result) return results def run_test(self, student): # Override in subclass. pass class StandardTester(Tester): def __init__(self, project, module_name=None, students=None, file_with_tests=None): super().__init__(project, module_name, students) self.students_to_test.append(svn.SOLUTION_USERNAME) # FIXME src = '/src/' if file_with_tests: tail = file_with_tests else: suffix = '' tail = self.module_name + suffix self.file_with_tests = self.solution + src + tail def read_tests(self): f = open(self.file_with_tests, 'r') tests = [] parity = 0 for line in f: if not line or line[0] == '\n': parity = 0 continue elif line[0] == '#': function_to_test = line.split()[2] parity = 0 elif parity == 0: arguments = eval(line.strip()) arguments_after_call = eval(line.strip()) parity = 1 elif parity == 1: correct_result = eval(line.strip()) quad = [function_to_test, arguments, correct_result, arguments_after_call] tests.append(quad) parity = 2 else: mutated_arguments = eval(line.strip()) tests[len(tests) - 1][3] = mutated_arguments parity = 0 f.close() return tests def run_test(self, student): # TODO: Need to deal with inability to load, can't read tests, etc. tests = self.read_tests() folder = svn.get_grading_folder(student, self.project_name) src = '/src/' suffix = '.py' file_location = folder + src + self.module_name + suffix # Critical: The module_for_student must be a UNIQUE name. # If it is re-used during this Python execution, then the # definitions are combined. So if a student does not define # some function, the definition from the previous student # is used. module_for_student = self.module_name + '_' + student spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_for_student, file_location) module = spec.loader.load_module(module_for_student) test = StandardTest(tests, module) result = result.subtest_results = test.subtest_results # Extend on the fly return result class StandardTest(unittest.TestCase): """ A subclass of unittest.TestCase that: -- Has a set of tests in a standard form: -- Has a module (the module itself, NOT just its name) and: -- Runs the set of tests on the module, as subtests. Runs a given set of tests (arguments/result) on a given module. """ def __init__(self, tests, module): self.subtests = tests self.module = module super().__init__('runSubTestsOnModule') self.subtest_results = [] def runSubTestsOnModule(self): for test in self.subtests: with self.subTest(): error = '' # so far try: function = getattr(self.module, test[0]) except Exception as exception: # FIXME: These should be ENUMSs. error = 'FUNCTION_NOT_IMPLEMENTED' message = 'Function {} is not implemented' triple = (error, message.format(test[0]), test) self.subtest_results.append(triple) raise exception try: result = function(*test[1]) except Exception as exception: error = 'THROWS_EXCEPTION' message = 'Function {} throws an exception: {}' triple = (error, message.format(test[0], exception), test) self.subtest_results.append(triple) raise exception try: self.assertEqual(result, test[2], 'Wrong returned value') except Exception as exception: error = error + 'WRONG_RETURNED_VALUE' message = 'Expected: {}. Got: {}.' message = message.format(test[2], result) try: self.assertEqual(test[1], test[3], 'Wrong mutation') except Exception as exception: if error: error = error + ' and BAD_MUTATION' message = message + ' ' else: error = error + 'BAD_MUTATION' message = '' message2 = 'Expected arguments to be: {}\nGot: {}' message2 = message2.format(test[3], test[1]) message = message + message2 if not error: error = 'PASSED_TEST' message = 'OK' triple = (error, message, test) self.subtest_results.append(triple) if error != 'PASSED_TEST': raise exception class TesterTest(unittest.TestCase): """ A subclass of unittest.TestCase for testing whether a TESTING function calls the function to be tested enough times. For example, it might test whether test_blah() calls blah(...) at least 4 times (for 4 tests). A TesterTest: -- Has a module (NOT name of moudule -- the module itself) -- Has the name X of a function in that module -- Has a positive integer N and -- Runs test_X() [where X is the name of the function] (and catches and ignores any exception) -- Counts how many times X is called The test passes if that count >= N. Else the test fails. """ def __init__(self, module, name_of_test_function, name_of_function_it_tests, min_number_of_tests): self.module = module self.name_of_test_function = name_of_test_function self.name_of_function_it_tests = name_of_function_it_tests self.min_number_of_tests = min_number_of_tests super().__init__('runTestsOnModule') # self.number_of_calls = 0 # test_function_name = 'test_' + self.function_name # try: # test_function = getattr(self.module, test_function_name) # # except: # message = 'Function {} is not implemented' # # return # def runTestsOnModule(self): # number_of_calls = 0 # # # If the test_function or the function it tests does not exist, # # fail immediately. # try: # test_function = getattr(self.module, # self.name_of_test_function) # except: # message = 'Function {} is not implemented' #[0])) # # function_it_tests = getattr(self.module, # self.name_of_function_it_tests) # # Redefine the function the test_function tests # # to include a counter. # # # Call the test_function, catching and ignoring any exceptions. # # # Test passes if number_of_calls >= min_number_of_tests # # def count_calls(function_name, ): # self.number_of_calls = self.number_of_calls + 1 # try: # # # message = 'Function {} is not implemented' # # return # # # # with self.subTest(i=test): # try: # function = getattr(self.module, test[0]) # except: # message = 'Function {} is not implemented' #[0])) # continue # try: # result = function(*test[1]) # except Exception as e: # message = 'Function {} throws an exception: {}' #[0], e)) # continue # self.assertEqual(result, test[2], 'Wrong returned value') # self.assertEqual(test[1], test[3], 'Wrong mutation') # Test more carefully: # 1. Catches inadvertant mutations? # 2. Are the catches for not-implemented and throws-exception correct? def test_decorator(): import m1 old = def bar(): print('bar') old() = bar if __name__ == '__main__': # test_decorator() main() # project = 'Session16_Test2_201430_mutchler' # src = 'src/' # module = 'm1' # suffix = '.py' # t = UnitTester(project, module) # print(t.tests) # result = t.run_tests() # print(result) # path = folder + session + src + module + suffix # t = StandardTest('m1', '') # print(t.read_tests()) # result = # print(result) # print(result.failures[0]) # t = StandardTest('m1a', 'foo') # result = # print(result) # print(result.errors) # m5 = importlib.import_module('m5') # # FAILS: # m = importlib.import_module('C:\\EclipseWorkspaces\\csse120\\Session16_Test2_201430_SOLUTION\\src\\') # # folder = 'C:/EclipseWorkspaces/csse120/' # session = 'Session16_Test2_201430_mutchler/' # src = 'src/' # module = 'm6' # suffix = '.py' # path = folder + session + src + module + suffix # spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module, path) # print(spec.loader) # m = spec.loader.load_module(module) # # # module = 'm7' # suffix = '.py' # path = folder + session + src + module + suffix # spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location('m6', path) # print(spec.loader) # m = spec.loader.load_module('m6') # # importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(name, location, *, loader=None, submodule_search_locations=None) # FIXME: The next two change from term to term. Unify with Grader. # self.root_folder = 'C:/EclipseWorkspaces/csse120-grading' # self.term = '201430' # self.grading_folder = self.root_folder + '/' + self.term + '/' # self.folder_to_grade = self.grading_folder + self.project + '/' # # print(self.folder_to_grade) # Where the tests are: # project = 'Session16_Test2_201430_SOLUTION/' # FIXME # prefix = folder1 + project + src # suffix_for_tests = '' # self.file_with_tests = prefix + self.module_name + suffix_for_tests # self.tests = self.read_tests() # Where the student modules are: